kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Dressers are evil

Yesterday after adding that insanely long entry, Tab and I walked to Noah's Bagels to meet Beth. She hates and is scared of drafting, whereas I love it, so I was going to help her with the drafting homework that's due tomorrow. She actually barely needed my help at all, I think she more just wanted to company and some one to bounce stuff off of while she was figuring it out. Tabitha amused herself by twanging on the wires on the drafting tables, tuning them.

We tried to go to the UW bookstore after that, but it was closed, so we ended up visiting BeyondtheWall (an insanely cool poster place) to waste the time till we met up with her aunt to go to dinner. Beth said something on the way that hit home with me. "You know, I just realized, like you keep thinking that it's another week or so, then you'll go back home, go to high school, it'll be the familiar routine again. But no, this is our life now. That's what it is. And I've got this feeling in my chest, like part panicky, part excited, like the feeling you get opening night before a show, you know?" She's right. This is my life now. I'm in it for the next four years, it's what I've chosen. That's kind of scary. Can I do that? Will I make it? I'm doing all right so far, but what about when school really starts up? And work? I will do my best, and I'll work hard, but what if that isn't enough. What if I can't keep my head above water? Lord knows I almost didn't make it through high school, and I wasn't exactly supporting myself then. But I'm so excited. I'm doing what I've always wanted to, and I'm independent, and it rocks. I love where I am in my life right now. I've been so happy these past couple weeks, all around happier than I've been in years. I miss Matt, but that's the only not-happy spot (today is our three month anniversary, by the way). Usually there's about 5 of those. So in general, I'm feeling good about it all.

Anyway, at the poster place I got the Pink Floyd Back Catalogue poster that Naya has and I've always wanted. Saw three others I wanted, too, but I'll get them when I have the money to burn.

Her aunt rocks. We went out to this mexican restaurant on Broadway (we remembered it because it was right next to the Foxtrot [remember the Arthur Murray dance feet Beth and I danced on a while ago]). Good food, huge piles of it. I brought some for lunch today and I think I still have enough for two or three more meals. Love places like that. Anyway, it was a lot of fun, good conversation, though I don't remember what exactly we talked about. Then came the hellish part of the evening. We assembled her dresser. The thing was a piece of shit, and I'm not exaggerating. The directions were unclear and parts weren't always labled, so it just sucked. Then when it was mostly together, we stood it up and tried to put the drawers in. I still don't know quite what was wrong. The runners might have been un even (but when we measured they weren't, but sometimes they were) and it was too wide. We fought with it for about an hour, untill Beth cried from frusrtation. She said "If I can't put a fucking dresser together with an instruction manual, how am I going to make it in college?" I rubbed her back and told her that a badly designed dresser and instruction sheet hardly reflected on her college career. We tried a little more after that, ended up turning it on its side and glueing it with a lot of weight on top. Apparently it sort of works now. Glad about that.

I love my scenic fundamentals class. The teacher has a great dry sense of humor (I'm starting to think it may be a prereq for techies, as I've noticed that most possess something like it), and he's good at lecturing. I took about four pages of notes. It's funny, all other classes, I can't take notes for shit in, but all the tech classes I have, my notes are beautiful. It must be a mindset thing, but it's not one I'm really aware of. I have intro to design next, then english. Looking forward to both. I hope that they all continue being this interesting to me, because if they do, this is going to be a wonderful wonderful year. It all moves so fast, though. I have 5 more weeks with the current graphics teacher, then we switch over to model making for 6 weeks. That's eleven weeks till the semester's over. That's not very long. Wow. That's a little alarming, I hope I can get everything done in the time that I have. Very exciting though. Means that summer comes even fast, and I'm going to be living with Matt this summer.

I'm really really really hungry, so I'm going to go eat my lunch, write later.

11:55 a.m.
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