kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose

I did a little show at a hole in the wall theatre a month or something ago. The space was actually fairly well equipt, and all of the lights I used worked. But not all the cable. And none of it was labeled. And it was a big game of guess which one is which since everything was run in a big tangle back to the dimmers. So while it wasn't that bad, it was also kind of a giant pain in the ass. The first day I had a rather useless kind of braindead assistant that the theatre threw at me, and then the next day I brought John with me, who was much quicker on the uptake, and we actually got a lot done. (pause for a moment for proof of how much he likes me- Wakes up at 5pm, work from 7pm-7am, meets me at the theatre at 8, we work will about 10:30, then drive to New Jersey, to the illy dance show, tear that down, push the boxes to the back so they can await the truck, head back into the city, back the first theatre , to finish focusing and such. We got done around 6pm. And then we went and got thai food. You have to like someone a lot to help them with their work on no sleep. And he even had a lot of fun doing it.)
Anyway. During the course of my frustration with having cables not work, and trying to figure out which one it was, I kept thinking that they hould pay me to come in and strip everything back, test it, label it pretty, and rerun it. I ran into the girl who passed the job on to me, and she said that she had suggested that to them before, and it just never really happened. Until a week ago, when I got a phone call saying hey, we've got this LD in from virginia or something, and he wants to strip everything back, test it, and rerun it, are you available for that? Ha. So that's what I'm doing today. We'll see how it goes. I have no idea how many people are involved. I'll feel kind of guilty if the girl who passed it on to me isn't there. Unless she's not there because she's busy. I wonder if they did stuff yesterday? I know it was mentioned. So I have no idea what exactly is going on, but that's okay. They're paying me, at any rate, which I can really use this month. I'm leaving in 10 days. Hold on. Let's pause and let that really sink into my brain, because I haven't been thinking too much about it. I'm leaving in 10 days. Hmm. And my couple of free days? They got filled. On the 15th, Jill and I are driving down to DC to visit Vanessa, coming back the morning of the 17th. It will be fun to spend a couple days in the Charming McCharmerville that is Old Alexandria.
My ipod is freaking out. I need to take it to an apple store and send it in. Restoring factory settings does nothing, and I've tried everything else, including reinstalling stuff. So that's on the list today. I had better have it back by the time I go to camp.
What else did I want to mention? I dunno. Finally got back on birth control. The pp here is crazy secure. It makes sense I suppose, but I was a little surprised. My arm is still sore from the shot.
Okay. Time to get up and shower.
11:14 a.m.
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