kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I'll always think of you that way

Oh boy. What a stupid day.
I woke up around 6 am, completely on purpose. I was going up to Lyricus' school to watch a rehearsal (or part of a rehearsal) and see the space, ond sort out things like when I would hang lights and what he thought of my ideas.
And that was fine. I nearly fell asleep on the train up a couple times, but it was a good rehearsal, I liked watching him work, and I liked watching the actors' processes. We sort stuff out, I take some notes, get some brilliant ideas, we go get lunch, he drives me back to the train, and then goes back to the second half of his rehearsal day. Down on the platform, I go to check what time it is. Wait. What the fuck? Where is my phone? ha. Yeah. I left it in the rehearsal hall. Great. My train is in less than 10 minutes, I have no way of calling him (and of course, what with having a cell phone, I don't know anyone's number anymore anyway) and even if I did, he has a rehearsal to get to. Damn. Oh well.
I nearly fall asleep on the train back as well. In fact, this time I lay down with my head on my bag and gave up all pretense of trying to stay awake. I didn't really do more than slightly doze and make myself really groggy, though, so that was sort of stupid. And there was a woman babbling behind me about all sorts of junk. Feh.
The other thing I had planned for the day was to go by this performance space where I'm designing lights for a dance this week. But, in further example of my genius, I discovered that I didn't write down the address. I knew it was on Bowery, though, so I took the subway down there, got out, waded through the people, and through a mash of inconsequential events, found it. (side note- I turned off Grand onto Bowery, and as I was walking was kind of idly looking at stores as I past them, and I passed a pretty awesome residential lighting fixture store. Hey, pretty cool, I think. And then I realize that the next store is more of the same. And the next. And then chandeliers. And across the street is more. Holy halogens, Batman! It is the Road of Residential Lighting Fixtures, of all types, sizes, use. Fantastic.)
Anyway. I get there, I look around, I figure out a plan, I make small talk with the woman who works there, I leave. I buy a coconut milk bubble tea on my way back to the subway. It was fantastic, and just what I wanted.
So now I'm home. I emailed Lyricus about my phone. I'll go get it tomorrow or monday. I feel so disconnected. It's a little bit nice, but I'm sure by this time tomorrow, I'll be freaking out about now being able to reach anybody and feeling helpless. Feh. I'm a little irritated at myself, but at the same time, it wasn't really through abject carelessnes on my part, so I only feel slightly stupid. This is only the second time I've left my phone somewhere other than home.
7:31 p.m.
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