kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

...we all die. The thing is, having a life before you die, that's the important thing

I really should be in bed right now, but that's all right. I'm just starting to wind down from my day. It was pretty good, actually. In costume fundamentals we did draping, which is where you put cloth on a dress model (or possibly hypothetically a real person) and you make all adjustments from there, like if you were making a shirt, you take in all the darts by folding and pinning the fabric, pin and mark the sides so you know where the seams are and all that. When she was first telling us what to do I was nodding off, caught myself a couple times, that was bad. But once we started, I was awake. And, for the first time ever, we have homework from that class. Wow. Fortunately it's not due till wednesday, so that's one less thing I have to waste my time over the weekend with. I hate that, I have so little time with Matt now, and it's being waten up by school. Grrr.

For intro to design, we had to make copies of the little motif thing. By pooling our resources and brains, Dante, Jill and I managed to make 60 copies each, rather than 44. Yay us. We felt very smug. Not that we needed that many....but hey, we can make christmas cards or something with the extra.

Gina's a design student, and I'm now doing the project for english with her. Bobbi Jo 5-coat deserted on me, is now attending the University of Portland. Hmmmm. Gina was about a week or so late when school first started. She was in China and was having a hard time leaving. It was hilarious when she came, because Lodi (english teacher) was so expecting some shy little chinese girl who couldn't speak english very well. So when Gina walked in, Lodi talked to her for a bit, in a soft voice, over-enunciating a bit, and you could see how she was trying to control her surprise when Gina answered her in not perfect, but regular raised in the US with a bit of ghetto english. I was very amused, as I had been suspecting something of the sort. I mention all of this because I'm now working with Gina on this little interdepartmental thing, and so she came to intro to design. Good times, I think she was amused. Then she took me over to the design department, showed me some stuff that she had done, and we realized that we had a few things in common, department wise. I can easily BS my way throught the presentation friday, but I dunno about writing a 3 page single spaced essay on it. I can turn it in monday, but that doesn't make much of a differennce. I suppose it does. I can write it tomorrow after school, then type it over the weekend. Yay. That sounds like FUN, doesn't it. Joy.

English was decent today, watched the rest of a movie on Picasso. The man was ... don't know the word. I don't like him. He was a wonderful artist, but a very bad person. To be expected, I suppose. Whatever. Then I drafted from 6 until 11. Actually, it wasn't too bad. A lot of it fell into place. WEonly have one modelt hat all of us are measuring off of, so a good amount of time is wasted by waiting for people to move out of your way. It was fun, though. That's the most productive I've been with other people in the room, I was very pleased about that. I have to be in there tomorrow (no, today) at 6 30 am. Christ. Why, why did I promise Jenny I'd be there to let her into the room? Oh well, it'll help me get farther along, so that's good, I suppose.

I love Dante for having a truck. She drove me and my bike home this evening, very nice of her. She's turning out to be my best friend here, which I'm happy about. We're both going to be dancers for halloween (hey, it's the scariest thing we could think of) and we're talking about going to a spa right when christmas break starts, get an actual good massage that works out the knots. That would be lovely.

Alrighty, I'm finally starting to get a bit tired, so I'm going to go now, hope I'm semi-concious in the morning, shite, still haven't done my laundry, should I ride my bike? Going to pick up Matt after school and such, so I might not want to, cause I'd be abandoning it there and all, but we'll see. If I do, I need to remember my gloves this time. I'll freeze my hands off if I don't. Need to return movies on the way to school, can do that easily enough, just need to remember, late fees are bad. Also need to call Scapin, and there's a book sale at Twice Sold Tales, have to go to that tomorrow as well. So much to do!!! Oh well, at least I'm not bored, right?

12:29 a.m.
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