kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

And if I'm flying solo, at least I'm flying free

It's 1 30 in the morning, and I am something like tipsy, so I think I will install frontpage. Right. I feel a littlebad, because Brian wanted to take me out to dinner one of these nights, and I didn't think I had time, but now I've kind of gone out and done things anyway. He needs to learn to wait longer, and not plan so far ahead with me. It's much easier to convince me to do something if it's right then, and I don't really want to do what I was planning on doing. If you ask me ahead of time, my good intentions are still firmly in place. All this is a way of saying that tonight I hung out with Jill and Anne-marie and Vanessa and Jill made us dinner, and they played video games and I think Anne-Marie was a little bored, and then we decided to go see a movie, but Anne-Marie decided to go home, but then it was almost 10, and there were no movies that the three of us could agree on, so we went to a bar instead, but we went to a sucky bar, and there were only women bartenders, and for some reason, women bartenders tend to treat women customers like crap, so then we left, and Vanessa went home because she had work in the morning, and Jill and I walked up to the Deluxe, and proceeded to drink more. That was a long sentence. I don't know, it was kind of a letdown. I still love the Deluxe, and I'm glad I went there one last time (interestingly enough, female barteder, who was awesome. We both left huge tips. She totally earned them) but I think I would have rather been by myself. Jill invited Chelsea, and while Chelsea is all sorts of entertaining, I'm not good enough friends with her to really have a good time in that setting. I don't know how else to say it. It just kind of stilted the experience, instead of it being just hanging out in the familiarity. Junior year I went there all the time. Spring semester, I was going there 4 nights a week, not to drink, just to hang out. I met some really interesting people, some really awful ones (one guy who insisted on talking to me and got really drunk and put perfume on my hand) and some really good ones (this random guy that I saw there a bunch and we had a nice easy repartee going on), and it was just a nice atmosphere. My bartender was there. Jabe. I paid for about half of my alcohol, and nothing else. Free pool, salads, soda, bread. The bread he would steal from the kitchen for me. It was awesome. To this day, Jill maintains that it's because he's in love with me. I disagree. I mean, maybe, but I think it's just because I was good company and regularly tipped about 60%. One of the things that I learned there is that if you want random men to talk to you in a bar, read. Seriously. I would sit there reading, because I wanted to, and guys would talk to me. No matter how unresponsive I was, they would try to start up a conversation. I still don't understand this.
Jill just called. meh. I should go to sleep. I'm tired and tipsy and my neck hurts.
But I stopped and danced on all the dance steps on Broadway on the way home.
1:34 a.m.
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