kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

There's a fine, fine line

I just got home frommy last time juggling. Not ever of course. But here. In Seattle. With the juggling guy, and everyone else here. I felt very valuable on the bus and walking home, what with my ipod, phone, clubs (hey, they're expensive) and about 1200 bucks worth of microsoft equipment. Heh. Juggling guy works there, and I finally got around to taking advantage of that. Really, Jill took advantage of it, because all I got for myself was frontpage. She got xp pro, xp home, and office. I love 90% discounts. Anyway. About juggling. It was great. I worked on the pattern that we basically spent the whole time on last week, and then on the triangle pattern again, and started learning Martins Mildness. Someday I'll learn Madness. But not anytime soon. It's this crazy crazy feeding pattern (so one person passing to two), but you can practice it just with two people both doing it. I did that for a while, and then tried to feed it. It's crazy because it's a 12 count pattern, but there are technically 14 moves. So you're going Pass(r) pass (l) hand a club to your left hand (in a 0 count) and self pass back to your right, pass (r) pass (l) self pass (r to l) pass (l) pass (r) hand across to right hand, self back to left, pass (l) etc etc. and then it's a whole issue of inside or outside when you're feeding. a left handed pass to the person who is on the right is an inside throw, but if it's to the person on the left, it's outside. I got to being able to ge to the second hand-across. It was awesome. Oh, yeah, and that's the mild version. The Mad version involves crossing throws, so normally you pass straight across, which means it goes right to left. in Madness, I pass right to right, while they throw straight across to my left. Gah. At the very end I got to do a run around steal with the juggling guy, which we haven't done in a really long time, and I was pleased to find out that we can still do it really well. Okay. I'm done talking about juggling. For now.
I way way way overslept this morning. Not that it matters, I guess. But I wanted to get some work done, and that didn't happen. Stupidly enough, I woke up at 8 30, and felt totally fine, good and rested, but I though 'this is stupid. There is no way I'm going to get up this early' and went pack to sleep. Until noon. Oops. Anyway.
So last night. Again, fully intended to do work. I have a bunch of stuff I need to do, and not enough time to do it in, and yet I keep finding time to waste. Vanessa was going to Whole Foods to pick up dinner, and I was really hungry and thought, well, what the hell. So I went, and got good food, and then we went to her house to eat it. And watch some silly tv, and then she says 'hey, I have a thought. We could watch Pride and Prejudice' because she has the BBC version, and had been talkign about watching it for a while. Tabitha watched it when we were living together, and so I'd seen parts of it, and thought, sure, why not. And yes, I knew that it was 5 hours long. It was worth it though. I thought the new one with whats her name was good, but seeing this, the new one is kind of lame. I mean, it was good, but not that great. The BBC one is great. And has fabulous acting. There are all these moments when some one looks at some one else and you can't actually see their expression change, but all of a sudden you realize they are looking at them in a totally different way. The new one just seems overdone and bordering on histrionic in comparison.
And then I walked home. I really love walking in cities at night, and I know that as a girl of non-impressive stature I need to be careful, but it's so nice. It's cool and crisp and there are so few people that you all have this kind of camraderie, like yeah, it's 1 30 in the morning, and we're all out here. I don't know, it's just very friendly.
I was originally going to bake tonight. I've decided to give people cookies for christmas, cause I can't really afford anything else, and I'm good at making cookies. But I'm tired, and I have work to do, and there are people around. I don't know. It's all kind of up in the air, and I really wish I could put time on hold long enough to take a nap, and then decide what to do. Jill has been playing this video game, Harvest Moon, and in the old version of it, time would stop when you went indoors. So when she got bored, or something, she would just walk the little guy inside and make him stare at the wall untill she was ready to play again. I wish life was like that sometimes.
7:19 p.m.
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