kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

the patchwork farms slow fade into the ocean's arms

Well, I was going to write, but my head just got fuzzy. I think being tired just hit me. I was up till 4 last night. Well. The last time I looked at a clock, it was 3 40. Anyway. My alarm went off at 8, and I turned it off and went back to sleep. Kind of. I had this vague feeling of being awake, and maybe waiting for the snooze to complete? I was partially dreaming, so it was all mixed up, but I full intended to get up. And then I jolted myself awake and realized that it was 9 10. Feh. I rushed, got my shit together, and walked down to school. I ran into Roberta on the way, which bordered on awkward. We talked about me going to New York (really, that's the only thing I talk about anymore), and she is so hard to read. I can't tell if she's really skeptical, or thinks I'll flat out fail, or doesn't care, or is happy for me or what. I have no idea.
I got to school with about 15 minutes to spare before my meeting (incidently, with Roberta) and I quietly freaked out and tried to get some stuff printed. The meeting went fine. I have a ton of shit to do, and I said I'd turn it all in monday morning. Oops. Oh well. It'll push me to work over the weekend. Which means that I really shouldn't still be up at 2 30 am, but what the hell. I'd sleep in anyway, so who cares. The rest of the day was fine. I drafted, I presented my fairy tale project, I watched Karen go through Vanessa's portfolio. I have things to say about this, but I'm very tired and am going to go to sleep. But so I remember- whole foods, Jill talk, Pride and Prejudice, night walk. Okay. I can ffel myself falling asleep as I'm writing. It's kind of a crazy sensation. 'Night.
2:24 a.m.
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