kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Don't mess around with the guy in the shades

Hi. Being awake right now is a terrible idea. But I am, so I might as well write about my day. Because it was a good one, overall. I mildly stressed out all morning, getting ready for this magician and metaphor presentation that we were doing, and then Jill called me just when I was about to start walking, which was good, it meant that she picked me up and we got lunch, and I didn't have to walk to school carrying my giant pad of vellum. I was stupid and threw away the bag in one of my cleaning fits, and so it's kind of awkward to carry down. That's part of the why I was so behind on my drafting. Lame reason, I know. But when you don't want to do something, everything is a reason. Anyway. So we did the presentation. It was okay. Eh. I had a complete brain freeze in the middle of talking about various stage magicians, but everybody seemed pretty forgiving. I hate talking in public. I don't think I used to be this bad at it, but now I just get kind of flustered and tight, and am bright red the whole time. It kind of sucks. But then when I was past the facts and into the theory ofwhat magicians symbolize and such, I did fine, and our magic trick went very well. I was exhausted by the end. Filling 40 minutes is tough when you are bull shitting through the whole thing.
But then came the good part of the day. Drafting. For all that I avoid it, I really like it. Mostly. I don't know, I get frustrated, but I'm decently good at it, and it's meditative. I need other people in the room, though, and there was kind of a constant flow of people. And I got more done than I thought I would. My wall is ready to turn in, and the stairs just need dimensioning, and some section type work. I'm probably about 2/3 to 3/4 done with them. Vanessa was there the whole time with me, and it was all kind of fun. There was lots of "Your FACE is..." said, and she kept adding "in bed" to everything. And then Karen came through and todl us about the gallery opening downstairs, so we went down and got little appetizers and wine and looked at art. It was mostly good and interesting, and I'm too tired to really describe it. There's a style I've been seeing lately that has something to do with glaze, and I don't really like it. A few of the pieces used it, but not many. I ended up spending most of the time talking to Richard ETW about Berkeley Rep and who I met there and what I was planning to do. It was a nice little conversation that I got to name drop all through without feelling pretentious. When we went back upstairs, Vanessa was a touch tipsy. From a small glass of white wine. She's the biggest lightweight ever. But it made for a highly amusing time. It was almost sad when Jill showed up with a pizza and she sobered up. One of the amusing moments of the night (that I remember well enough to recount)
Jill- You're not supposed to be having fun, you're doing homework
Vanessa- That's just what the Man says to keep you down
Me-...In bed.
Anyway. We were all silly and insulting and funny only to ourselves and I got way more done that I thought. I expected to only work on the wall tonight. The downside is that I didn't leave till midnight, and then I took a shower, and now it's 1 20 am, and I have to get up at 8, so I can be at school at 9, so I can print out stuff and organize myself for my senior project meeting at 10. And I'm still wound up from everything tonight. But I really think I can pull this off. I really think I'm going to get everything done, and they're going to let me graduate. Holy hell. Whodathunk.
1:06 a.m.
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