kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

It's clouds illusions I recall

What the hell? It's a full 16 degrees colder here than New York. Granted, it's 6 am here, and 9 am there, so day has gotten started for them. But still! I don't understand this.
I have been up all night reading. It's been a while since I did that. I think I might be very tired, but I kind of feel like I could just stay awake until tonight. But I don't know.
I tell you, the main freaking awesome thing about moving is going to be having my own bathroom. It's usually not a big deal to share the one down the hall, I actually never have trouble with conflicting needs. Except this morning. I've been up all night, and I need to take a shower, and I figure it's early enough that I can take a decently lengthy one. A lot of students and such live in my building, so while some people seem to have early schedules, 5 30 am seems like it's a pretty safe bet. Nope. I have conditioner in my hair when some one knocks on the door. Twice. So I hurry the fuck up, and just rinse it out. And it's Ryan, the guy that had the heavy awkward boxes that Jill helped carry. He mutters (slushes, actually, he was holding his mouth like he had a mouthful of toothpaste or something) "sorry, I have to piss" Okay, a few things here-
1-I don't care.
2-You are a guy. You have a window in your apartment. Maybe you are too well mannered, but if ya gotta go that badly, it's an option.
3-I don't need a reason. I get it. If you just needed to take a shower, you would have waited more than 30 seconds in between knocks.
Whatever. I wonder if you can mix oatmeal with yoghurt without it being really disgusting. What I really want is granola, but I don't have any at the moment. But I do have various packaged instant oatmeal. And I do have plain yoghurt. I don't think I'll try it, but I am still entertaining the possibility.
Okay, I think I will go to sleep. The tired is starting to catch up.
Oh! Wait, so Jill and Vanessa and I went out to Paddy Coyne's tonight, got good soup and soda bread. And then we (finally) saw Stanger Than Fiction. I loved it. *Spoilers ahead*
I have never really liked WIll Ferrell. Though at the moment, I can't remember what I've seen him in, aside from when he was the asshole caricature jock in Superstar. And he was pretty good in that, though he was kind of peripheral. Not having had a TV growing up, I've had very limited access to SNL, so I've never really seen him there. I don't know where I got a lousy opinion of him. Oh well. Anyway, he was very good. I understand Emma Thompson's dilemma, and guilt, and I agree with her reasoning for changing the ending and keeping him alive, but I don't think she should have. For the book, I mean. For the movie, it was great. But thinking about it, I would totally die for literature. I mean, I would take his route, and read the book first. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't. And Jill did point out that there are millions of books, and only one of her (or me. or you). But who cares? If the book is good enough, I'd go along with it. As many plans and hopes I have for the future, I don't know that I'll make that huge of an impact. A book might have a more profound effect on more people. People need to be moved by writing and art and theatre etc, and a book with an ending that I might not choose might be more effective for that than whatever I end up doing. Though my contributions to theatre are much more subtle. So they might be just as worthwhile, just in a more convoluted way. I don't know.
The one thing that bothered me a little, and I don't quite feel like I can make this complaint/point, was the narration, or lack thereof. I mean, it was a book. There would have been a lot more narration than we got to hear. I want to know what it was. Also- things he did once he knew he was in a book were based in that knowledge. And yet, the character of him did not know that. Like when he decides to get a guitar, because he's going to die soon, and he's always wanted to. What was the character in the books' motivation? We hear some of that narrated, so it was most definitely in there. But why? The reasons have to be separate. So did he have free will? When was he following the story, and when was the story following him? How much can you write some one's life, and still have them feel (at least somewhat) autonomous? I kind of wanted that explained more (at all) but it's kind of unneccessary; the movie was quite good without knowing that.
Okay, now I really do have to sleep.
5:52 a.m.
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