kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Lift my head from the pillow and fall again

And with the raincomes intense lethargy. Overpowering ennui. Crippling malaise. I can't wait to leave.
The problem with balboa class now is that out of the 6 or so leaders in the class, only two and half are good leaders. And who the half person is changes fairly regularly. So we're working on something yesterday and it kind of requires a strong lead, but these guys don't know how, and we're never going to get anywhere if I wait for them to lead me there. So I just go ahead and do it, and try to mach their timing. Until I get to one of the good leaders, and he corrects me on this. Good thing we rotate so much, so bad habits don't have time to really gel. We were one lead short until the end, when some one from the intermediate class stepped in. He was good. It actually felt like dancing.
I'm debating going to lighting class today. I don't think I will.
10:12 a.m.
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