kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Four calling birds

You know what sounds like a good idea? Angel food cake. You know what's not really a good idea? Angel food cake. Oh well, some one had to eat it.
The 80's movie marathon has begun. Sort of. It's not really a marathon because Vanessa is a big wimp, so we'reonly going to watch something like 8 movies total. Tonight was Xanadu and Better Off Dead. John Cusack makes me happy. And by happy, I mean I really want to fuck him. Perhaps even now. But actually, I think I liked Xanadu better. It was awesomely ridiculous, in a way that will be mock-able and reference-worthy for a long long time. The thing about John Cusack movies is that they're really not that good. But he is excellent in them. Grosse Point Blank is probably the best. In any case, we'll resume again tomorrow. I have no idea what we're watching yet, but we've already rented Labyrinth.
I'm at an odd place of coasting and spinning my wheels. I need to talk to Anne Marie about living together and how I think it may not be the best idea. I hate conversations like that. But I found an awesome room in a place in Brooklyn, and it's available January 1st, and I would be stupid not to try to get it. I dunno, we'll see. So many pieces of moving seem to be just hovering, waiting to fall into place. I really hope that's true, and not just my imagination.
11:20 p.m.
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