kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I'm on the huntdown after you

There were over 600 movies made in the 80's. Want to know how I know? Go ahead, ask. Well, I know because Jill and I decided to do an 80's movie marathon. And we decided to pick the movies my making a list of all the possible movies, checking off the ones we wanted, and we will rent everything that we both (actually, the three of us, Vanessa has joined the plan) choose. So Jill finds a list, and copies and pastes it into excel, and then decides that in addidtion, we're also going to include the tagline, or one sentence plot summary, and notable actors. With each movie. So now it's all about going on imdb and copying and pasting. We're deleting horror movies. But still, I've gotten information and weeded out a few up to the middle of the D's, and there's 608. Holy crap, what did we start. We're going to have to string this out over several weekends.
My clubs were shipped today. They should be here thursday. I squealed a little in excitement.
My mom sent me a halloween package. It included flying monkeys. They are so cool. They have little bandit masks on.
12:58 a.m.
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