kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

What's it like in New York City? I'm a thousand miles away but, girl, tonight you sure look pretty

So it's not just me rationalizing. I check craigslist for apartments in New York fairly frequently. Like every couple weeks. And it's mild torture, because of course I always find good things (or things that I think sound good) and am crushed by the reality that they'll be gone way long before I move there. But I've noticed something. Last spring (yes, I was doing this back then) Brooklyn was cheaper. Then over the summer it shifted, and Queens was cheaper. This sounded good, because the only neighborhoods that I'm sure I would like to live in are in Queens (Astoria, Sunnyside, College Point). But then in the fall, both of them got fairly expensive, and I was thrown into a slump of despair that everyone was right, I wouldn't be able to make it, it's too expensive, I'd be living in a closet with a hot plate paying 900 bucks a month. BUT- today checking I found that both are lower, particularly Queens. This is awesome. And I realize that I've been tracking this and can see how it's moving, which means that I haven't been torturing myself this whole time, it's been useful. Go me.
I juggled yesterday. It was okay. I worked on my own for a while, which was okay, but frustrating. I've regressed from missing a week. And then I started passing with this old guy, and it was pretty cool. I learned a crazy new pattern that's kind of a brain fry, and then we started on 7, which was pretty silly. The first try was kind of a 'throw all clubs quick there's a lot more coming at me' and they all were on the floor in about 3 seconds. But the next two times we lasted a little longer and usually were still holding clubs at the end. It's weird to realize that I've been juggling for 9 years. I mean, I skipped time in there, basically 4 or 5 of those I didn't juggle, but still. I feel like I should be better at it than I am. I have to find places to juggle in New York. That shouldn't be too hard, right? It's the ultimate city. It has everything. Speaking of which, I'm finally going to have my own set of clubs. I caved and ordered some. I hope they get here before next week.

Update- Why yes, I found a juggling club in New York. It sounds awesome. This sucks a lot that I can't move there tomorrow.
10:53 a.m.
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