kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I can't believe the news today

Holy shit. Good god. I should be asleep right now. Though given all the circumstances, it is more accurate to say that I should be trying to sleep right now. It's 3 30 am. I just go tin my apartment. It's a thursday night. I have a lot of drafting due at the end of class tomorrow. But I will stay up and write about this, because otherwise I will lie here and think about writing it, because it bugs me. So- I go home after class, change, go up to Jill's apartment, drag her away from playing Harvest Moon, and we go to the Deluxe, and then to the show. The show went okay. Whatever. I vacillate about my lighting a lot. Jill was bothered by the dim corners. Which I could have fixed, but then the walls would look sloppy. And while I cared about this project, I didn't care that much. Anyway. Afterwards Anne-Marie and Jill and Dante and I go back to the Beluxe to get drinks and play pool. All well and good. Good, though slightly draining, evening. Everyone gets dropped off, and Jill and I get home at about midnight. At which point I realize that I don't have my keys. Oh boy. So I check Jill's apartment and car, but they're not there. Jill picked my bottom lock, but she couldn't get the top one (which is weird because it's the same key, but it's a deadbolt), so I call Watson, and hang out in the lobby. Jill had me go pick up er laundry while she was picking my lock, and some one left books down there, so I had something to read, which is good, because otherwise I would have been horrifically bored. One good thing was this guy with whom I've exchanged pleasantries before asking me if I needed a drink or anything, dinner, to which I said no, thanks, but then he offered reading material, so I borrowed The Rules of Attraction. I'm looking forward to reading it. And then Watson finally called me back at 3 30, and let me in to my apartment. But now- I have no idea where my keys are. Well. They're either at the Deluxe, or in the theatre. So I kind of know. This is ridiculous. I hate losing things. Oh, and something funny, I was going through my wallet today, and I found my old spare car key, and took it out. And it never occured to me that, hey, a spare house key would be a good thing to copy and carry in there. Well, now I will. As soon as I find them again. Goddamn. I am so tired. But I'm also at that cusp, where if I just keep pushing, I could stay up all night. Not that I have any reason to. But, y'know, it's there. Anyway. Goddamn. First my ipod and now my keys. This is not a good trend.

Oh- possibly funny addendum. Maybe not funny. Maybe sad. Or something. Anyway. Maybe I should just get to the sidenote instead of talking about it behind it's back. God. here it is- when it's this quiet at night, I can hear the guy in the room next to me snoring.

Yeah, you're right. It's just sad.

Oh, shit, also, I wanted to mention that apparently Anne-Marie and I are going to be living together. Whatever. It's only for 4 months. Her poor cat is going to get dragged across the country and then back. Man. I hear that it is much easier to get an apartment in New York in the winter, because no one wants to move then. So I think I will find an apartment, and Anne-Marie can sleep in the living room, and then she'll move out, and I'll have it to myself. Which I guess is the best option. i wish I had the guts to tell her I don't really want to live with her. But I don't think she can afford to live on her own, and I don't want to just abandon her. I'd feel guilty. But I don't want to be tied to her either. I know whether or not she can hack it isn't my problem, but she's my firend, and so I feel obligated to do the 'right thing'. Which in this case means living with her for that 4 months, rather than making her find a place and pay for it all herself. I think she doesn't fully understand the scope and expense of this undertaking. She said something today about saving up a few hundred dollars to move with. Oh boy. I have three grand that I'm moving with. And I'm not sure that's enough. Because there's first, last and security. And then all the costs associated with moving. And then possibly storage fees until I find a place. And then regular living expenses kick in. So I'm going to save up as much more as I can before then. She has an intenship that sh'e going to, but she doesn't know if she go it yet or not. She says she's still going even if she doesn't get it. Oh boy. See, I think I'll be okay just throwing myself off the dock and seeing if I can swim. But if there's some one splashing around next to me, it makes it a lot harder. That was a terrible analogy. I'm ashamed. But analogies were never my stong point.
3:46 a.m.
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