kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Surrender, surrender, but don't give yourself away

Wooo!!! So close to opening night. And closing night is hot on it's heels. I watched tonight, and took pictures. I did not take notes. I have two notes to do, one changing the timing of Q197, the blackout before intermission, and the other is adding sidelightinto preshow to charge the glowtape. I'm writing that here because I don't have it written down anywhere else, and maybe this will help me remember. But tomorrow is opening, and I have to figure out what I'm going to wear. It's not an opening to really dress up for, but i do have to do something nice. Shit, I also need to get presents. I need to get something for Allyson, Sherrine, Rhett and Mike. Maybe just cards, or something. But you know, I want to be the cool kid, who gives good opening night junk. Eh. I need to go to sleep. And tomorrow, do homework for other classes.
12:10 a.m.
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