kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

So don't - stop - me now, cause I'm having a good time

Oh boy. Home stretch now. Tomorrow (ie later today, wednesday) is the final dress rehearsal. I'm going to take pictures, and then we open thursday. Thank god. I'm so done with this show. Well. I dunno. The script is lame, but I really like the director. I liked designing, but Roberta drove me nuts. I want to keep tweaking it, but I'm tired of looking at it. The theatre was wierd to work with, nothing is really symetrical. And Vanessa's set was open and all, but there were still corners that people could go that were really hard to light. And it's not my best work ever. But there are some really good moments, and I got to try some new things with it, and that's what school is all about, right? I need to remember to call Dante first thing in the morning so I can borrow her digital camera.
I had my engaging lit midterm conference yesterday. She really likes me and my ideas and writing style. I don't know if I agree with her assessment of me, but I like it. She said something about the depth that I go with questioning and all. i think what mainly gave her this impression was my explication of a Keats poem. No one else in class picked that one to write about, and she thought it was a tough poem that I handled well, and I allowed myself the space of questioning to change my mind. I dunno. I was pretty proud of the paper, I just don't think that the poem was that hard (When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be). But I felt like the others were fairly straightforward, and there wasn't much to explore. I didn't really have any questions about them. And frankly, I had a bit of comtempt for the speaker of Keats' poem, and so I picked it partially because of that. Maybe I'll post that here. Hit the previous button, it's the entry before this one. It was an informal thing, so no mocking of how informal it is. That was the point. Sheesh.
When I got home, Jill was helping this guy drag a big box into the building. I helped open doors and stuff. He really didn't know how to lift stuff and so made it a lot harder than it needed to be. But then I got to hang out with her for a bit.
In other depressing news, my ipod has dissapeared. This sucks. I'm bummed out. I think it's gone forever, some one stole it at school or something. Its got a pretty unusual quote engraved on it, so maybe that will help it come home, but I'm really not counting on it. So if you happen to run into (in Seattle or elsewhere, I know how these things travel) a white 30 gig video ipod with "Had we but world enough, and time" engraved on the back, let me know. Dang.
1:13 a.m.
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