kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Goodbye to Rosie, the queen of corona

Random 10. Sunday night. Or early Monday. Also known as- What My Ipod's Shuffle Function Has Been Throwing At Me Lately.
1.Mass Romantic- The New Pornographers. I like these guys. They're kind of pop-y, but not quite, and I just like them.
2.Ingrid Bergman- Billy Bragg and Wilco. I downloaded this recently. In connection with other stuff of theirs. It's okay. Maybe a little creepy.
3.Fuck and Run (girlysounds version)- Liz Phair. One of my favorite Liz Phair songs. Though this version is a tad surreal. At least for me to listen to.
4.Livin' on a Prayer- Rockapella. So I really like Rockapella, but towards the end of this song, they go into You Give Love a Bad Name for a little bit and I cannot understand why. I like that song too, but combined, they are a little weird, and very close to irritating because of that.
5.Mother and Child Reunion- Paul Simon. I always played this song at Camp, on the last morning. How apropos.
6.Why Mommy Left Us- Stephen Lynch. I don't think this will ever fail to amuse me. But conversely (and i'm still trying to decide if I'm being hypocritcal. There is definitely a double standard) the guys reactions at the end will never fail to make me righteously grouchy.
7.Just Can't Last- I have no idea. It doesn't say. But I do like it. I think this is the first time I'd heard it.
8.Prison Shoe Romp- 16 Horsepower. ummm. I dunno man. I heard one of the stagemanagers at BRT say that she really liked it, and other people agreed, so I downloaded a bunch, and I'm just not sure I like it. But I'm not sure that I don't, either.
9.Blueside- Rooney. Thumbs up. And a big grin.
10.Stay Loose- Belle and Sebastian. Ditto.
11. (because I want to keep going)crimson and Clover- Joan Jett. I love this cover. I think it helps that I saw a very good dance to it once.
12.Season of a lifetime- Plain White T's. So I really like some of their stuff. And then some of it, I think is pretty unremarkable. If I remember right, this one falls in the latter category. But still enjoyable.
13. (will the madness ever stop? Probably not) Pictures- The Postal Service. Everyone loves these guys nowadays. I don't disagree.
14.Kiss Off- Violent Femmes. I recently discovered that I really like the Femmes.
15.Lo Boob Oscillator- Stereolab. It's in French, so I have no idea what they're saying. But I really like this song. I have no idea why it's named that. The title makes me think of breasts in a washing machine, or something.

I had more strange dreams, but none coherent enough to relate. There were Full House characters in it at one point, though. Today was wasteful. I slept till 11, which wasn't that long, since I went to sleep at 4. Last night after my focus call, I went up to Jill's and watched Some Kind of Wonderful and then hung out for a while. I took a shower and lazed around for a good bit, and then watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which I really liked. Then I walked over to the theatre, and finished focusing all the lights and all. We finished an hour and a half early, and I got to play around with what I had. I think it's going to look good. I'm pretty pleased with what I have set up. There's a couple things that I kind of want to change, but I think I can work with them. I just don't feel like I can change one of my colors, and it's workable, and works for some stuff, it's just not as versatile as I'd like, and it doesn't react as well as it should with other colors. And maybe I should just change it, but I have a little too much pride to do that. I'm a little too embarrassed to admit that I picked something less than ideal. Roberta was there for the beginning, she had been training the board op. She always puts me so much on edge, and I get really shart and bitter around her. This might be something I should work on. But I'm only here another 2 1/4 months, so who cares. She wants me to give her and the board op a copy of my magic sheet, and I snidely assked her exactly what she meant, because this past year I had seen a few different kinds, and I wanted to make sure i did it the way she wanted. Which totally implies that her way of dooing them is of course inferior to what I am now familiar with. I don't know if she took it that way at all. I hope not. I don't want her to notice me being passive aggressive. Friday night, Jill and I were driving home, and at a stoplight I realized that Roberta was the driver next to us. It was one of those movie moments. But she didn't notice us, or else she did a good job of studiously ignoring us. I'm fine with either.
My tattoo still isn't part of my skin, which is both sad and something I like. It's still a little raised, I like that I can feel it. But I've had it for 9 months, you'd think it would have smoother out by now. I wonder if being redheaded has anything to do with it. Supposedly, redheads are more sensitive to pain, and need 20% more anesthetic. However, I started looking that up just now, and am finding conflicting reports. It doesn't help that I have a hard time reading scientific things. But here's one that supports what I said and here's an informal thing that says a little more clearly what I found other places. Scroll down for the relevant part. They seem to be talking about two different classes of painkillers, though. I don't know. The majority of stuff on the web seems to be saying that redheads are more resistant to pain, though. In any case, I think maybe it has nothing to do with my tattoo. I'm done. OH. Side note. Juggling was fan-fucking-tastic. I am having so much fun with it. And I didn't even juggle with the guy much, mainly with this older guy who is pretty awesome at just throwing stuff at me, and seeing if I can pick it up. And with non-passing stuff, i can nearly consistently do a three in one hand start, and throw under the leg on both sides. My continuous doubles are getting better too. I'm really bummed out that I'm not going to get to go mext week. Stupid theatre, stupid tech. oh well.

12:36 a.m.
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