kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Some of us are Davids, but most of us are Daves

Wow. I'm very bleary at the moment. I went to sleep at one, and have had very odd, placid dreams. Kind of. I really can't find the right words. In one, the juggling guy told me he liked me, and I woke up instantly, because as much as I liked that, I knew it wasn't true. And up until then, you know, my dream had been my reality. And then there was running from something, with a couple other people, including this kid, and I can't remember what she had to do with anything, but it ended up with me and Jill, and we were going to record something with Kids in the Hall. All through this section 'These are the Daves I know' was playing in my head. They were making an album, or taping something, and we were there, and were going to have a song on it, or something, and it involved these drawings that we had brought with us that kept changing color. I also played a really weird version of pool with some biker dude. But that was earlier in the dream. Dave Foley was very accomodating about us being there.
I don't know if I'll be able to go to juggling today. I should start trying to find out.
10:04 a.m.
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