kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I should have changed that stupid lock

Oh man. Things just took a nosedive. So first- I missed the production meeting today. It wasn't an important one, I didn't miss much, but I did miss it because I was sitting in bed, relaxing and letting my hair dry. My day had been great up till that point. I got dressed and out the door in under 5 minutes, which I am impressed by. Then I had my engaging lit class that I wasn't prepared for, but that went all right anyway. We paired up and discussed the story, wrote down conclusions/interpretations/viewpoints whatever, and then presented them, and I think my partner and I did very well, everyone seemed impressed with our insight. She's a flute player, and one of the intelligent people in the class (by that, I mean on e of the ones who talks, and makes good points usually. It's a pretty reluctant-to-talk group of people, Vanessa talks the most).
Anyway, I hung out with Jill and Vanessa, which was fine, even fun, until we got in the car. Which meant that Vanessa sat shotgun, because she gets carsick. And here is where I turn into a whiny self centered brat, stomping my foot and glaring, because that is MY seat, damnit. And I can't complain out loud, because I know that she actually needs to sit there. But I really hate sitting in the back. I can't hear very well, and I just end up feeling even more disconnected and left out. It didn't help that I was really hungry and had to pee.
I had to be at the theatre at 7, and I thought is was going to be an easy night, hang the last couple lights, finish cabling, finish cutting color, drop color, test the lights. I thought, hey, I'll stop by, do a little, then leave. And go watch Dirty Dancing with Jill and Vanessa. That will make this day better. But no. First, I cut the gel, then I framed it, then we put the color in the lights, then I patched the lights, and then we started troubleshooting everything. And boy did it need it. We had a few bad lamps, a few bad cables, and a whole lot of stuff that just wasn't what it said it was. A lot of stuff hadn't even been written down, and a lot had been written down wrong. So Dave helped us untangle, which helped immensely, but now we still have to fix a lot. We were there till 11 30, figuring out what was actually connected to what. And my period started. Which may explain my car grumpiness. Quick side not- I hate hate hate having a period. Hate. I am so annoyed by it, words cannot describe. Being on depo for two years was fabulous. Too bad it fucks with your bones, so you really shouldn't use it for more than 2 years. And then it took a year and a half to come back. But now it is, and I am back to the hate.
Moving on. So now I am tired, and worried about saturday, and stressed out about all my other classes. I think I will miss class tomorrow, so that I can do the work for it. And maybe work for some other classes as well. In any case. I am very tired and headachy and grouchy. And I might be headachy because I'm hungry, but I don't want to make anything this late. Maybe soup. And bread. That's not much of a hassle. And it might make me less grouchy. Unless I'm headachy because I'm tired, in which case, I'll be making myself stay up later, and that's bad. I can't tell if I'm hungry or not, because my headache is so bad. It's kind of like barking your shin to stop your stubbed toe from hurting.
OH. I almost forgot. SO I get home from all the tangled mess of lights at the theatre, flip my light switch, and the lamp promptly blows up. Poof. Lucky me, I have alternate light sources in here, but that was my main one that I relied on. And it is way up on the ceiling, and I cannot reach, and so will have to call some one to fix it, which is just the lamest thing ever, and makes all those lightbulb jokes suddenly not quite as funny. Damn.
12:18 a.m.
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