kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I want to get lost in rock and roll

An awful lot of my netfl1x movies lately have been gay/lesbian. Am I trying to tell myself something?

I had my interview tody. It went fine. It consisted of me going in (dressed well, maybe a little overdressed. Oh well), and her giving me a 30 second description and then asking me about my experience, and me talking about Christie Lites for 45 seconds, and then her basically saying I was hired. I start the 11th. Woo. And then I called my mom to tell her I got it, and she sounded all surprised. No faith in me. I think I built it up a little, and so she thought it sounded like a job I wasn't qualified for, but I tell you, I am so overqualified for the job of office bitch. I'm going to be cleaning and taking out the trash, and entering data and tracking orders, and organizing drawers, and taking my bosses car to the carwash. Among other such things. I think I can handle it. (You have to hear that said in a really dry tone. You heard it? good) Anyway.
Also- my light hang started today. I hung around with it for a bit, and it seemed to be okay, and Mike was having enough on his hands delegating to the two crew kids, so I ditched and went to watch a stumble-thru of the play. It's frustrating play to watch. All the characters are right in some ways, but really wrong in others. It's called Sunday on the Rocks (I can't remember if I've said that before) and it's okay. It's about these 4 housemates, though one of them is only there in the second half. One just found out that she's pregnant, and decided to get an abortion, so she's drinking scotch, and she's cool, but self-righteous, and the other two join her in drinking, one of them is level headed and nice, but a little closed off, and the other one is kind of a slut, but not in a bad way, but her flirting is doing no one any good, and then the 4th one comes home, and she's self-righteous and uptight. Whatever. You all don't care. All I have to say is that it may not be the best play in the world, but the lighting is going to be really good. And I'm not really bragging there, I'm just saying that I feel really good about it, I think I have solid ideas, and I think they're going to work. I hope that I'm right, and that I placed the instruments so that they can do what I see in my head.
The problem with theatre is that it interferes with the rest of your life. I definitely have to skip juggling in two weeks, and I may have to miss it this coming week, which blows. I'm going to try to go to a couple hours at least. I hate starting something, getting into a rhythm, a habit, and then having it interrupted. It's hard for me to go bck to things when I leave them once. Oh well. It's worth it, right? Also, my sly ploy pf having random bits from songs as entry titles to attract google hits doesn't seem to be working. Not that I'm going to stop doing it. Who reads this anyway? I'm very curious. You all should drop me a note or email.

10:44 p.m.
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