kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I'll be alone, dancing- you know it baby

So I haven't been sleeping lately. COrrection- I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately. Jill and Vanessa think it's because I'm really stressed out. They might be right. But my light plot is pretty much done, except for some prettiness issues, I'm only a week behind in my Engaging Lit class, and Karen thinks I'm doing a "great job" in here class. She even said she's really glad that I'm taking it. I feel like I'm a little behind in it, but who am I to argue with a teacher.
My light hang starts monday. I'm a little worried that Mike isn't going to be ready. And that's a little bit my fault. Oh well. We have 4 days of 5 hours sessions to hang 84 lights. And cable them. So that's 20 hours, that comes out to what, 4 or 5 lights an hour (I'm really bad at doing math in my head, and I woke up not too long ago, so I take no responsibility for that calculation being wildly off) which should be no problem. I have faith. Although one of the really good sophmores that I was hoping would be on my crew signed up for the other show. Whatever. Hey, so to add to the mess, I also have a job interview on monday. I'm going to try to start at a new job in the middle of hang and tech. I might be insane. But it's a job I think I'll like, working in an interior design firm. It sounds like running errands, organizing, making some coffee, and doing some drafting. And I don't know what the office is like, but I hope I get to dress up for it a little. I dunno. I've never worked in a place where you had to look nice and presentable every day, and so there's sort of a romance about that. ANd maybe it'll suck, and after a week I'll be cursing them because I can't wear jeans, but we'll find out about that when it happens. For now, i'm just freaking out about what to wear to the interview. I know what skirt, but the shirt debate is still raging, and then there's the shoes. Are open toed shoes appropriate? Are my clothes toed heels too high? Could I wear my boots? I dunno. I'm sure whatever I end up with will be fine, but my confidence in my taste is wavering a lot right now. And Vanessa was supposed to help me pickc out what to wear, but she backed out on me. With good reason, but it still leaves me high and dry. Speaking of which, I need an umbrella. I don't have one, and it's occuring to my that I can defy the weather as much as I want by not carrying one and it doesn't really matter. The rain still wins.
By the way, Jill is back in town. She's moving into my building tomorrow. It's pretty awesome. I was a little worried about three people hanging out, and me getting left out a lot, but that hasn't happened at all yet. I also think I might be hypersensitive because Vanessa lent me this book, Odd Girl Out, the hidden world of aggression in girls. It's a really good book, all about how girls are mean to each other in sneaky ways and non-physical bullying and all that. It's hard to read because I'm pretty familiar with the subject matter. The book deals with mostly 10-14 year olds (so true. Middle school was hell in terms of that stuff. And 9th grade. You'd have to pay me a lot of money for me to redo those years) but I've been noticing how pervasive it all is in general. And how I still do a lot of the same stuff. I've grown up and gotten over things a lot, but I still worry about being excluded. I still hate to not be in on a joke, and I still get overly stung by jokes at me. Anyway. Enough of that. Jill is back, and that has reduced how stressed out I am. Roberta is still driving me nuts, but that's okay. I'm going to get dressed now, and walk down to Seattle Center and go through my script and write in cues and then juggling will start. And that will be good.
11:09 a.m.
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