kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Billie Jean is not my lover

Okay, so I know I just put up an entry, but then I reread some stuff from the summer, and I have a story. About my car, so you know it's good. SO. The last you all (all what, 3? of you) heard about my car, it stalled twice on a slow road, and I said I was never driving it again. So much for that. So it's session break (in between sessions) and Braden (unicycle) Mark (smarty mouthed teen staff techie) and Riley (my mistaken for brother buddy) and I all wanted to go down to Willits and see a movie. Particularly Superman. So we pile into my car, I warn them about it, they mock me, I tell them it's name is Earnie (short for Earnest, cause he tries really hard). So halfway there or something, it does the RPM dropping thing, and I have to pull over and restart it. It does it again. They all sing a rousing chorus of "We love you Earnie". We make it to town. And we have a good time, despite not doing anything. Superman wasn't playing, and we couldn't agree on another movie, so we ended up playing in the park for a few hours, getting mexican food, and getting eyed by the local cops for all being 20ish and playing on a teeter-totter. At one point I had to pee and took the chance of going into the public bathroom in the park. Sketchy. Way sketchy. There was a girl passed out on the floor, and the place reeked of beer. I got her a cup of water. Anyway. SO then we head back up, and have to stop once to restart the car. And then when we get back into camp, it stalls, and so since there's 4 of us, we push it, and get up to a decent speed, and Mark and Riley climb on the roof and ride. That, I think was the true high point of the day. We're all laughing and pushing this damn hunk of metal, and they climb on and sit there and it was just one of those great moments that you know everyone involved will remember. Then it starts again, and we roll into camp. It was awesome, and despite (because of) the car, they had a great time. So then the next time I drive it is down to the bay area, it dies once on the way, and when we, and by we, I mean my dad, restart it (at this point, I can no longer start it, because the fuel pump is having issues, and I can't get it to work. Whatever) it has decided it doesn't want to change gears ever again, so I'm pushing the engine at 4-5000 rpms the whole time. On the freeway, over a bridge.We pause at Berkeley Rep to pick up my bike, which has been sitting there all summer. A few days later, my dad drove it to the junkyard, and they paid me 71 dollars for it. And so now I have no car. It kind of sucks, I was so used to that convenience. But I live really close to school, and pretty much everything else I need, except the trapeze place. oh well. Anyway. Maybe that story was really boring. But it's something I want to remember, and if you were there, you might have been more amused. Okay. back to my book. Currently- Dead Languages, by David Shields. It's okay. I'm not that enamored. But I want to know what happens. And really, that's what counts.
8:39 p.m.
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