kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Cause Blue Eyes, you're the secret I keep

Oh boy. How much do I sum up, and how much do I just keep going? Some of each.
I don't even really remember when I left off writing, I'll have to read back a little. In any case, the summer was good. Working with Carrie and her weirdness was rough, and stupidly passive aggressive, but Saharah Moon came back for the last two weeks, which were fantastic. Words cannot describe. I didn't have a tipi, which was a little strange. Good, I guess, but I kind of missed it. But in terms of people- Misha (my twin) and Emma and Rami came and visited, and Jesse etc etc. It was a good collection of people that made me happy. Jesse was brought in session D to save my ass, and ended up staying through the end, which was awesome. He taught swing dancing, but always got a weird form of stage fright, and so I ended up doing his part in the show. I haven't been in a Camp show since I was 14, and I had to learn it between thursday 10pm and saturday 2 pm. It went fine. And it was a lot of fun to swing dance again, though I had to learn how to lead, and use my other foot. Emma started going snarky on me, but not until after we took our day off together, which was phenomenal. We went down to Sebastopol to go to the Grateful Bagel and Coffee Cats (I know, drive nearly two hours for coffee and a bagel. But when we drove up, we stopped at the Bagel, and Emma really liked it, and I told her about the Irish hot chocolate, with the mint syrup and the homemade whipped cream, and the grated chocolate on top.) and it was really nice. We both wore dresses, and felt relaxed and pretty. Then we drove back up and went to the mineral baths at Vichy. I'd never been before, it was pretty cool. At first when you step in the mineral bath you think "great, tepid water, what gives" but then the bubbles start, and it's nice and floaty and fizzy and you just kind of dissapear. We also hung out in the swimming pool and the hot tub for a bit. We ran into a few other Camp people, including Jundid, which may have been awkward. I'm not sure. Anyway. We got back to camp with plenty of time, and were mildly dissapointed to be back.
Working with Saharah Moon, I actually felt like a teacher. I taught good classes, I learned a ton from watching her teach, and the big show was really good. She's one of the people that I've always hero-worshipped a little bit, with good reason. She's got a calm sort of air about her, but without being superior. I dunno. I've just always been in love with her, and this year I got to start being more friends with her, which hopefully will continue when I move to New York, as she's working in DC. She seemed to like me as well. Added to her general coolness, she's also freaking brilliant. She was homeschooled, took community college courses, finished highschool when she was 16, graduated from Stanford at 19, worked for a bit, then went back, and at 29 just got her PhD from Harvard. I am in awe.
But then the summer ended. And I bummed around at my parents for about a week, then moved up here, and started school. Ehh. It's actually been okay. I'm taking a lot of classes, it's a pretty heavy load, especially for my last semester. But they're all pretty interesting. And they let me take advanced scenic studio, when I've never taken intermediate scenic, so that I could work on my drafting. There's a ton of work for that class, some of which I'm putting off right now. Not true. RIght now, I'm actually putting off working on my lighting design. It'll be fine. So far, I'm on top of everything, surprisingly so, and it's going better than I expected. I hang out with Vanessa a lot, though not as much as I'd like to, certainly not as much as I hung out with Jill. Which brings me to another thing- after leaving Cornish, working overhire in Connecticut, and questiong her career path mightily, my best friend in the whole world is coming back to Seattle to be the scene shop supervisor at school. I am totally thrilled that she's coming back, and that we'll be livig in the same building again. Even though I'm going to the east coast in 4 months, and then we'll be a country apart again. Oh well. Really, this isn't a permanent job. Or it had better not be. I figure it's a good paying gig (with full benefits) that she can do for a year or two, and save up her money, so she can go back to really doing theatre. Honestly, I think this isn't a great job for her. But it is one she'll do pretty well, and it will buy her time. So that's good. And I'll get to see her again. I like this.
On the side, I finally got up the courage to go down to the Seattle Center and play with the jugglers there. It was awesome. So that's what I'm doing every saturday now. Except today. Because most of them went to a juggling festival on Lopez Island, and I didn't have to money to go. And I couldn't coordinate how to get up there. Oh well. I think it might have been a little overwhelming for me. But last week I learned a couple new patterns, and got to practice a bunch. My legs were sore the next day. Who knew you used your legs so much in juggling? And- even better, I found a trpaeze class. Trapeze and rope and hoop and maybe they'll let me do some tissue. Fantastic. That, I cannot afford either, but I'm trying to arrange a work trade with them. So we'll see. The teachers are really good. I'm the most advanced one in terms of tricks, but I need a lot of work on form and control, so I'm liking a slower class. I'm hoping I keep liking it and don't get too impatient. We'll see. So to sun up- I'm good. I'm busy, though maybe not as busy as I just made myself seem. I'm a little worried about money and stuff, but not too much, and I think I just got a workstudy job at an interior design firm (me? interior design? oh, why not), so I should be fine. Everynow and then I excite/depress myself by looking at apartment listings in New York. As happy and busy as I am now, I'm still impatient about what's next.
7:40 p.m.
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