kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Woke up this morning, smiled at the rising sun

The stars are out. It's been a while, as the moon has been supper-crazy-you-can-read-a-book bright lately. So that is very nice. Not so nice is the mosquito bite on my forearm, along with the one on my pinky.
I finally broke in my fire poi tonight. It was pretty awesome. Everybody liked it. And Jah just stopped by and complemented me, so it must have been good.
Oh my. There is so very much to tell, but my bites itch way too much to concentrate. Highlights-
New Session. I HAVE NO TIPI! This is very cool. I have free time. I am not stressed out about where I need to be when anymore. This is good.
Emma is here. This is also good. I used to be in circus with her, and it's all very exciting to work with her here.
I am apparently becoming an aerials teacher. Like, for reals. I taught a class by myself today. Whoa. Me. It went fine. They listened, mostly. I dunno. Then in the afternoon today I did a strength training with some people. I like making people do pull ups and sit ups and stuff. I'm pretty good at leading those sorts of things, and knowing how much further to push people.
There's this guy here, Riley. People often mistake him for my brother, because we both have red hair and blue eyes. People are wierd sometimes. He's one of the people here who enetertain me to no end. He does a character sometimes called Robot Riley, where he's a robot with sunglasses and a verty thing, and once last session he read a robot grace that was all about how as a robot he couldn't eat, and so should all be grateful that we have food, and that we can eat. Somewher ein there was a bit about "like my distant cousin the cuisinart, I can dice vegetables, knead dough..." and he ended with "but I cannot eat. Though I do have rocket boots, so I guess that's a good tradeoff."
I am utterly in love with everyone here. Well. Mostly. Outside of camp, I use the word love very selectively when it comes to people. But here it's pretty much anyone that I feel affection/warmth/empathy/has a presence I enjoy etc. So sure. Anyway. I want to go to the kitchen and talk to people some more.
11:02 p.m.
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