kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

And the seasons, they go round and round, and the painted ponies go up and down

Oh my. So yesterday was Lyricus's birthday. I'm too lazy to put in a link, but if you are that interested, go to myspace, and do a search for Lyricus, he's the first one to come up. He raps, he acts, he thinks, he's cool, I'm a big fan. He's the one who was holding the philosophy talk in the tipi circle. Anyway, it was his birthday on the 3rd, and because here at circus camp we are big fans of the whip cream pie, traditionally, one takes one in the kisser on one's birthday. That was a convoluted sentence. HOWEVER. He warned me that something big was going down, and I was all looking forward to it. I had to skip dinner to set up for the dance party, but I went up to see the action go down. So he's standing up there, getting everybody to settle down so we can get the kitchen announcement and then say a grace of some sort, when I see, from the side, two counselors sneaking in, holding a small childs wading pool full of shaving cream! They run at him, he covers his face in time, and wham! They wrap the pool around him. Rodger got it all on video, so hopefully soon, it will be up on Lyric's myspace page, and you all can experience the glory. It was great. The best part was Rodger asking him how he felt, and him replying "There is so much shaving cream on my personal body right now". It was one of the greatest moments I have ever witnessed.
In other news... Ummm. We went to the labyrinth tonight. It was just me and my teenstaff and the tipi, my co counselor has the day off. The girls were surprisingly good. There's been some drama lately, which is wierd. Usually campers have issues with people in other tipi's, this time, it's all internal. So that's been a little frustrating, but we talked to them before we went up, and explained (reminded, they've all done this before) that the labyrinth is a sacred place, and even if you get nothing out of it, you need to respect the people who do get a great deal of spiritual whatever from it, and all that. It was a good walk. I never have anything spacific to let go of, but I always feeel a little better. I like the pause it gives you. Afterwards, we went out by tht totem pole and talked a bit about their experience, and how beautiful a night it was, and lay down and looked at the sky for a bit. When we went back, they all were amazingly quiet and quick. We sang them a a song, and I commended them on their behavior, and closed with "Goodnight you princesses of California, you queens of the west coast" which of course is a total rip off of John Irving and Cider House Rules, but these kids are 12. I'm counting on them not knowing. And I like it, so who cares. I think I'm going to use that every night now.
I went on stilts today, for the third time in my entire camp career. It was good. I can walk. And it was games night, so we have some rousing running around, and then a few rounds of Honey I love you, which was good and funny.
There's this kid Harrison, I can't remember if I've talked about him before, but he's a cool kid. Nutty, and slow about stuff, but he really seems to not care that he doesn't get stuff. Wait. I mean that he never seems depressed, or upset at himself or frustrated. He just keeps asking questions until he understands what you're saying to his satisfaction. Patch Adams does a love fest, where everyone gets up and says their love strategy, for spreading love, making it better. So you get all the 'smile at everyone you meet' 'give hugs' 'make one new friend a day' (seriously, who does that? I mean, go for it, but realistically? Maybe one a week)(my strategy, by the way, is two, I smile at everyone [which really works, try it] and I always pay the bridge toll for the person behind me) and Harrison gets up and says "So, right before I came here, my mom read me this book, 'The Kissing Hands', and when she finished, she actually kissed my hands! So now all I have to do is look at my hands, and I can see my mom". Dude! How beautiful is that? I get frustrated sometimes working with him on trapeze, because he has very little idea of where his body is in space, and how to make it do what I just showed him, but how can you not like a kid that open, who is obviously raised with so much love?
I've been steadily losing my voice, kind of. If I stop talking for a while, it comes back, but with teaching and my normal babbling, it's been getting pretty low. And It doesn't hurt, so I keep using it. And now I have a stuffed up nose. I can't wait till my campers mock me in the morning for snoring.
In any case. I am very tired, and need sleep. I'm teaching both classes in the morning, and it's trapeze, and I have to carry the energy of the class. Maybe I don't. But I feel like I have to keep moving and talking, and keep them engaged. There's a lot of waiting your turn in aerials, and it kind of sucks if they're just sitting there bored thinking maybe they should have gone to juggling class after all. You know? ANyway, point is, I need to go to sleep. And its getting colder at night, so my hands are grouchy. And I'm done downloading the macarena for the clowning teacher, so my reason for busting out my laptop is gone. Why am I explaining myself? Whatever. I'm out.
11:33 p.m.
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