kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

And girls, they want to have fun

Things I think About Before Falling Asleep
Sentences to use in my novel. If I ever wrote one. Like 'He stared at his dusty toes thoughtfully before answering. "I don't know" he finally said. I bit my lip and waited.' Oh yeah. It's going to be a great book.
Do they have an afternoon pilates class?
Where is the half of my portfolio that I didn't put in my portfolio, proper?
I need more tank tops.
I wish Mimosa hadn't cooked trout. I finally like the taste of fish, but I will never like the smell. Does anyone? Have they ever found a smell-less fish? There's that joke about how do you keep a fish from smelling? You cut offit's nose. Which is still kind of funny. In a 'heh' sort of way. I need to listen to Prairie Home Companion more. I miss the joke show.
Back to the book thing. I just read a book about writing a book. And now I feel like I could write one. Maybe. I'm good at writing and editing coverletters. And the two are nothing alike. But hey! No. I have way too much on my plate already.
I need more socks. I really like socks, but I rarely buy them myself. As a resulf, all my good, everyday socks are starting to be tired. Then I have a bunch of sillier newer socks, because that's all people give you. But then, I have the slingback heels, and you put the two together, and I can rock the 80's. Saved by the Bell has been on these days. I think they should run it back to back with Showgirls. Show the arc of Elizabeth Berkley's career.
And this is why it takes me an hour or so to fall asleep.
And one of these days I'll tell about An Inconvientent Truth and my impression of it and all. But now Megan wants to use my computer.
12:07 p.m.
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