kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I could say bella bella

Man. Leftover sushi, while not as good as it was last night, is still really good. Better than a lot of other things. Tonight was my official last night on Glass Menagerie. No one cared. I mean, really, I'm still around the building and stuff. And Cyd doesn't really like me anyway. But it would have been nice to hear some sort of announcement. Eh.
I taught Taryn some vectorworks stuff today. Kind of. I don't really know how to teach it because I learned how I needed to, as in- I needed to move lights, so I learned, and then I needed to add lighting positions, and add lights, and transfer the added things to lightwright, etc. So I don't really know how to sit down with some one and teach them; I have no idea where to start. But it seemed to go okay. I blathered, she asked questions, I had some answers. We're going to do it again tomorrow. I'm going to bring in some of my hand drafting junk, so she can see why I do section work by hand.
Enough shop talk!
And another light-free entry later, my roommate is home, and I am going to be social.
12:07 a.m.
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