kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Stay, little valentine

I really like introducing people to things. I finally watched all of The Company with Kelli. I like dance movies. I'm a pretty big sucker for them. This one in particular, because it doesn't waste time wiht othere things. It's pretty much just dancing. And James Franco. In a role that makes me like him. Not that I dislike him in other things, I just have no real opinion of him. Speaking of no real opinion, I saw Nacho Libre today. I have no real opinion of that. I know one of the guys in it, Richard Montoya, the kind of smarmy priest guy. Kelli and I (I've been hanging out with her an awful lot, haven't I? I need to vary my social circle. Or get a social circle. Whatever) went to see it mainly for him. He's part of Culture Clash who did Zorro in Hell the season. Nice enough guy, slightly smarmy in person. I helped him wih his fencing a little. He was terribly off balance in his lunges. Anyway, he was okay in the movie. Really, he was himself with silly hair. I'm glad I saw the movie, otherwise I would have always been curious. But really, it added nothing to my life. But it didn't suck either, I suppose.
I'm having breakfast with my parents tomorrow. I think. We never fully decided anything, like time or place. Which means I have to wake up early (by which I mean 9. Maybe 10) to figure out what will happen, instead of sleeping till half an hour before I have to be there. I really wish we had planned this out properly. And by we, I mean I, because the last conversation we had, my mom told me to figure it out. Oh well. I know where I want to go. This cafe restaurant place that has goat cheese omelettes that I dream about. They're so good. No, SO good. Really.
I packed a bunch today. I'm sleeping on a couch downstairs tonight because I still have stuff all over my bed, and I don't want to transfer it all to the floor. It might confuse my filing system. I hate moving. I don't know anyone who likes it, though, so that's a pretty 'yeah, DUH' statement. Whatever. The crappy thing about this move is that I waited too long to do it, and I'm trying to pack for three places at once. I'm actually not that far from being done. I just have to get to the point of not caring anymore and just throw everything into a couple of boxes and worry about it later. Eh.
Good thing I like sleeping on the couch once in a while. Otherwise I'd be pretty grouchy.
12:48 a.m.
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