kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

I've had the time of my life

So Glass Menagerie as run by me is officially started. Last night went well. I pushed the gobutton when she said to. I'm worried about when color starts burning out. The color most likely to burn out is all in hard to get to places, like the trap room, and the rig around the edge of the ceiling. Meh, handle that when it happens. So yesterday, I went to bed at about 1 am. A little earlier than I've been going, and woke up at 3 30. PM. I slept for 14 hours. I don't think I've ever done that before. I've been in bed for 14 hours. I've woken up and spen a few hours convincing myself I was still asleep. I had no idea I was that tired. It's a very good thing there was no matinee yesterday.
My house has now started hard-core dispersing. Jessica and Gretta re doing the bulk of moving out this weekend. I don't like it. If it were up to me, we'd all rent this house and keep living here for another year. I don't know. I don't actually want that. I'm starting to move on already. I'm very much looking forward to camp now. And actually, to Seattle. I miss the coffeeshops there. And the bars. And a few of the people. So that's good. I need to not dread what I have to do. Speaking of which, I need to work on this homework stuff. Working show schedule leaves me a ton of free time, and I can read during the show. So I am all out of excuses.
10:28 a.m.
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