kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

And there's always a place for the angry young man

Oh boy. This weekend has been all about too much tv. The one good point was that the first two x men movies were one, so I got to rewatch them. And then today we barbequed. It was a good day. It was a day when I could do very little wrong. It was sunny and nice, and I wore a skirt and nice earrings and a shirt that matche dmy eyes and my hair cooperated, and I cleaned the middle room and the kitchen, and made garlic mashed potatoes that people really liked. But really, the crowning achievement of the day was the jello shots. They've been mentioned at all the house parties we've had (all of what, 3?) but we haven't done them. So today, I finally got it together and made a ton. Five ice cube tray's, and a passel of dixie cups. They set up really nicely in under 4 hours and were nearly all gone within an hour. We sort of lost one of the trays, so we still have some. For those curious, you just follow the directions on the side. 2 cups of boiling water, one cup of vodka. I really wanted to do the lime jello with tequila, but decided against it. I've never made them before, and didn't want to go too nuts. I was very proud of myself. A good time was had by all. Towards the end of the party, we drove up into the hills (I got to drive, which I'm a big fan of) and parked to watch the fireworks from the A's game. I want to actually go to fireworks game, going to try to do that before I leave. Then we got back and dispersed a little. Mimosa, ET, a friend of theirs, and I played a couple rounds of Boggle. Oh hey! That's what i did last night. A couple of Mimosa and ET's friends were over, and Mimosa's brother and his friends, so about 10 of us, and we played Pictionary. Another thing I'd never done before. It was pretty awesome. Lots of yelling. The hardest word- cosmonaut. Or silo. I think the best was my drawing of Mona Lisa in an all-play. Or the stack of pancakes that one of the brothers friends did.
Tomorrow I have work. It's the first day in about a week that I have to be there at 9. And by have to be there at 9, I mean that my boss isn't coming in till noon or 1, so I'll go in at 10, and pretend that whatever list he left me to start just took me longer than expected. Meh.
I'm starting to look forward to Camp. Not that wasn't before. Except that I kind of wasn't. But it's about time. I'm ready to go. But, damn, I'm gong to miss this house. Camp will be good, though. Lots to keep me busy, excellent people all around, and trapeze. I'm starting to get excited about the work. And jose can kiss my ass. He's the one person there who I don't get along with. As with any disagreement, it's partially my fault, but a lot of it is just that he hates me, and doesn't respect that I know how to do my job. Funnily enough, we have the same birthday. I know 4 people with my birthday. Counting me. So three. Nothing like knowing people with your birthday to make you toss aside any faith you ever had in astrology. I suppose we're all stubborn and work in theatre. But that's about it. Anyway. Jose told me at the end of last summer that maybe I shouldn't come back. That was the first (and so far only) time in my life I have been truly speechless with anger. I'm not going to write about it and dredge it all up again, but man. I ended up just saying "I'm not going to discuss this with you" and turning away. Then as I drove out, I passed him and said very cheerfully "see you next year". So I have to be here this summer. To not let him win. To prove that he's wrong. His main excuse seemed to be that working seemed to stress me out too much (which is somewhat true, except that it was the silly staff members not giving my cd's in anything resembling a timely manner that stressed me out, not the kids at all). So, for me, I need to prove that he's wrong, that I'm not stressed out, that campers like me, and that adults just need to get me the music for their acts sooner. And I need to not worry about that as much. Because really, we can just throw in something, and it'll probably work. Go me, rationalizing my stubbornness. 8 weeks. That's nothing. It'll be over too soon.
11:41 p.m.
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