kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

ojos vendados

So the 6-6-06 signs that I was all excited and bemused about? They're for a movie. Good gravy. How boring is that? I hoped it was some fanatical church group deciding to advertise their message. That would have been amusing (and vindicating, once June 6th came and went without event) but no. How dissapointing.
I have now seen xmen twice in 24 hours. Last night with my mom, and this afternoon with Taryn. It was all right. I need to rewatch the first two. This certainly had less plot and humor. But of well. I like Mystique. And Wolverine. I would love to be either one. Other people were dissapointed. I wasn't so much. Anyway. That's all the random thoughts I have for today. Oh, wait, here's the email I got today from morning-date guy-
hey hey

so it was great chatting with you but I think my intentions were
probably a little naughtier that I sensed yours are, and you sounded
less than unbiased about the age difference so
I thought it was best not to really pursue things. you are _way_ nice

I'd like to point out that I didn't knwo how old he was, though he did appear to be significantly (read, 10 or so years) older than me. So yeah, maybe I am less than unbiased. Though most people I'm attracted to are older (specifically 6 or 7 years). But whatever. It's a very gentlemanly email and I appreciate it. Good for him.

5:45 p.m.
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