kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Swing your razor high, Sweeney, raise it to the sky

I'm suddenly very tired. At 11 in the morning. I think after I finish this, I will take a nap. I can get away with this because Fred has taken over my desk, and told me he doesn't much care when I come in or if I work from home. So, I'll hang out in the tech booth and take a nap on the couch here.
Yesterday was a really long day. Cleaning all morning, and working two shows. Even just sitting there, pushing a button once in a while turns out to be fairly draining. Riding my bike home I was tired, and was surprised by that. It's the first time in a while that I've been ready to go to sleep when I got home.
Anyway, date this morning. Why morning? Only time that worked. Hush. So we met up at the Cheeseboard, got sourdough cheese rolls (otherwise known as my favorite food ever, and the reason I went grocery shopping with my dad every week) and hung out and talked. I dunno. It was fine. Nice guy to talk to, but no chemistry. It wasn't really a date, so much as a hang out and talk. Yeah. He likes Seattle, lived near the camp I'm working at, we talked about both of those, and Seattle vs Bay Area drivers, and stuff. He has a dog and parrots. I am very much a cat person. But I didn't have a bad time, and I got a cheese roll. Then I walked back toward work, got a smoothie, and came upstairs.
I might go see x men tonight. I'm debating. My mom called me out of the blue to see what I was doing, and did I maybe want to do something with her. Which isn't strange, we live fairly nearby, and I see my parents about once a weekish, but it is weird that she didn't have anything in mind, and it's for a friday night. Usually, there's some movie in particular she wants to see, and it's over the weekend, or monday afternoon. I might try to get walk in tickets to a show, instead. After I take my nap.
I was playing scrabble against the computer the other day. I suck. I had to get a lot of hints. I don't know why. I have won all the games I've played. Ever, actually. I've only played 3 games, now that I think of it. All with completely different people. My problem is I don't see the double words, like where you spell off of someting, and get a couple two letter words going the other direction. I think it being on the screen might have not helped, too. Oh well. I like playing with people better anyway, then you have more time to think. Blah.
I'm very tired. And my typing skills will deteriorate soon. So I'll stop now, and try to have an adventurous day so that future entries will not be as mind numbing as this one.
11:16 a.m.
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