kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

We can name him Bob, or we can name him Beowulf

Today has been good. I woke up at 8, rolled (literally) out of bed at 8 37, and started cleaning. I did all my laundry, including sheets and towels, got rid of all the bits of paper that have been amassing on my floor, put away laundry that's been clean for at least a week (in some cases, 3) and even organized a little. Go me. I move in exactly a month (gosh, that's so inexact. Is a month 4 weeks? Is it either 30 or 31 days? In this case, today is the 25th, and I move next 25th) so I'm trying to get a headstart on packing stuff I don't use etc. I noticed that a good part of my cleaning method is moving everything against the wall, do it looks more open, less cluttered. I also counted my books. I'm trying to start my own library. By that I mean, I grew up in ahouse with about 2000 books. Three huge shelves and one smaller one in the living room, and 8' long, 8' tall set of shelves in my parents room, not counting the stacks on top of my dad's dresser. Two smaller ones in the hallway, and a few small ones in my room. I'm trying to regain that environment of being surrounded by books. I've got one normalish one everflowing with, a tiny one, several stacks on the floor and windowsill, and a small box of Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side. So I counted them. Fiction, nonfiction and plays- I have 258. Counting comic books and text/reference books adds about 25 more. I thought there were more. I thought I had at least three hundred. I need to get cracking. This is the reason that when I move to New York, I have to find a good apartment that I can live in for the next 7-10 years. Moving that many books every year or 2 would be a giant pain in the ass.
SO! I did all that, my dad came over, we filled out stuff so I can officially own my car (rather than my grandfather)(just in time for me to maybe sell it) and put an ad up selling my flatbed trailer. And then I came to work. Did my light check, fixed a lamp, changed out some color, and here I am. I dragged my work laptop up here so I won't be bored out of my mind during the show. I can't believe I forgot to bring a book, especially on a two show day. Oh well. Maybe on my dinner break, I'll go up to Half Price and get a few more. Anyone who reads this (ha!) should feel free to suggest some. Particular authors I like- John Irving, John Steinbeck, Salman Rushdie, Tom Robbins, Jeffrey Eugenides, Wally Lamb, Kurt Vonnegut, Barbara Kingsolver, Fannie Flagg, Roald Dahl (his adult stuff is pretty fascinatingly creepy), and who else. I'm sure I'll post this and think of more. Anyway.
There are really annoying motionsensor type lights below the stage pointing at the audience in preshow, and people keep twisting them away so they're not in their eyes. Which I sympathize with, but I keep having to fix them. And one of them is starting to break, because of being twisted it's starting to strip out, and can't be tightened easily. Oh well.
I think it's a student matinee. I think they'll love it. Lot's of dirty humor for them to appreciate.
Yesterday during the show I was similarly bored, and figured out my money situation for the next 4-5 months. Fantastically enough, by the end of summer, I should have enough money to pay all 4 months of rent in Seattle up front. Which I like. I've gotten used to not paying rent here, I really don't want to have to remember again. So, I'll avoid it by paying upfront. It also means that any money I make while I'm there can be saved more easily.
All righty, I think I'm done blathering for today. Tune in tomorrow to hear about my date tomorrow morning. Wheeee!
1:24 p.m.
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