kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

We are the pirates who don't do anything

I'm done living here. I love the Bay Area, I'm so glad I was here this last year. But I'm ready to move on. I knew this when I was flying in, and I didn't get the usual rush when I recognized Oakland from the plane. So. I had a decent time. Actually, the last few days were really good. I'm glad I hung out with Vanessa as much as I did. I actually organized her bookshelf monday afternoon. So now I have a buddy for next year. When Jill dropped me off, we were saying the "see you whenevers" and I said see you in September, and then we had a conversation about how I really didn't want to see her in September, because the whole point of going up now was to see her, and if I was going to see her in 4 months, then what was the point? I could have waited that long. She agreed. So who knows when I'll see her again. I think she'll be in Connecticut when I move to New York. So in conclusion-though I have about a month left, I am going to start packing. The next 7 months are going to be simply a period of transience.
all right, I have to get going. The last intern meeting ever is today. And then I shodow Christine, so I can run the show wednesday and thursday. Go me.
10:59 a.m.
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