kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

It's no use talking at all

Quick. I'm at work. But I am ver bored with doing this project, and I'm tired of computer drafting. If I were hand drafting, I think I would still be fascinated. Whatever.
So I saw @ Number at our fellow theatre across the bay last night. All in all it was a great night, went with Kelli and Jess and Brad and we wandered a little before and talked about work, and then afterwards went out to dinner at Lori's Dinner, which I'd never been to but passed a lot on my year of working at il Teatro 450. It was pretty damn good. I almost maybe sort of kind of liked it better than Mel's. But don't tell. And ice cream soda's are a great idea. But the play... it left something to be desired. It's a play I like, we studied it in Kazanjian's comtemporary theatre studies, it was actually the subject of our midterm. So I'm decently familiar with it, I like it, it's got some complicated emotional undertones and a lot of interesting things to think about. And I got none of that out of the performance. I honestly think it was mostly the directing, but who knows. It was pretty dissapointing, though. I had all these ideas about it and was all eager to finally see it, and none of my ideas were reflected. Which would be fine if it had raised other ideas, brought to light things I hadn't thought of, but it didn't. Or else it did so subtley that I missed it. In which case, it wasn't just me, no one I was with was satisfied by it either. But we got to have a good theatre analysis discussion over dinner, which I'm a big fan of. The really cool thing was reading the program and realizing that I knew the scenic designer, the sound designer, the assistant stagemanager, and I shipped a disk to the lighting designer that morning. It was pretty awesome to loudly name drop like that. And more significantly, realize that I knew some of their work already and have something to compare it to. It's nights like those that make me really love my job and know that I'm heading in the right direction. Side thought- when I started working here, I had mad crazy deja vu all the time. A lot of it wasn't just the feeling of deja vu, it was seeing bits that I had dreamed about. As sceptical as I am about premonitions like that, and I don't know if that's what any of those were, it gave a definite sense of 'this is right, I am here, and that's what's supposed to be'. Another side thought- everyone knows what deja vu is. I'm a big fan of it's twin, jamais vu, which is when familiar things don't seem right, like when you walk into your bedroom, and you know it's your room, but it feels like every thing has been moved, or changed. It all looks just the same, but there's a definite feeling of foreignness. Not that I've experienced it, I just am intruiged by the idea. And I like that deja vu has a counterpart. And with that, I go back to work.
Speaking of, I'm going to see more theatre tonight. I have faith that it will be better. I'm seeing it with my mom, which could go either way. Rather-I'm glad we're seeing a show together, and I like her company, but we don't have very expository conversations afterwards. I rarely discover new things in talking plays over with her afterwards. I don't know why. We're both reasonably intelligent and fairly opinionated people, you would think we'd have some sort of whatever afterward. Oh well. And I'm going to visit Seattle in a few weeks. Try to see something while I'm there.
5:18 p.m.
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