kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Sunshine on the window makes me happy

SO! We (we being the intern posse) want to P1xar today. Hereafter known as the best place ever. I've been there a few times before, when I was working at the gymanstics place across the street from said best place ever, but you forget these things. Like their personal gym, and massuese, and pool, and scooters, and storyboards and process art on the walls, and huge lawns, and airhockey and pool tables, and strangely large proportional number of attractive employees. Yeah. It was awesome. Even with my head all clogged from this hay fever or cold or whatever, the sound in their personal theatre was great. Oh yes. We got to see a few shorts there. They told us about Cars and some of the process and all. The woman showing us around also told us a few things I can't reveal, but let me just say, I'm looking forward to something like 2008. Apparently right now they have Cars just finished, another movie slated to open sometime 2007, two more in preproduction, and 4 in developement. They're trying to release one a year.
Anyway. I'm still waiting to find out what's going to happen with my possible short contract at Luc@sarts. Lighting design for video games seems really wierd. I really have no idea what's involved. Supposedly they'd teach me that, and pay me for it, and then I can get a job at P1xar for a while. I have it all planned out. Or not. I want to light theatre. I don't know how much of a sidetrack lighting video games/animation would be. And if that's a sidetrack I can risk. We'll see. Who knows if I'll even get the Luc@sArts job.
Today was my last day of driving Connor. I'm dissapointed. I loked him, he was a pretty entertaining kid. And now I have to give back the pr1us. This morning both of us were really stuffed up and sniffly. I think he was more miserable than me. But I've been miserable longer. Seriously, what kind of cold lasts two weeks? And if this is hayfever or allergies or something, wtf? I've never had allergies before. Why this bad? And why this year? I know some people who have wierd theories about how it was raining for so long and now it's super nice and sunny, and stuff in the air. I'm not sure what all the rain has to do with it. But hey, it's something to blame. And I love the weather right now. This is how it should always be.
4:34 p.m.
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