kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Lalala, shame on you

So I saw two movies over the weekend, Stick It, and Akeelah and the Bee. I spent all of sunday with my mom, and we didn't argue once. All around, pretty good. My reviews- Stick It was good. I mean, it was silly and entertaining, and there was good gymnastics that really makes me want to go back to doing trapeze. In fact, I looked up classes, and am going to go tuesday night. I'll let you know how it goes. As a movie, it wasn't great. Bring It On was way better. But as entertainment, it was just what I wanted to watch that day. It was interesting, I saw it with two of my housemates (I have 5, by the way. It actually is pretty awesome. And wierd how little I see them sometimes. One I haven't seen since friday night, and there's a good chance I could not see her till midday tomorrow. And we work together. Wierd.) and the boyfriend of one of them. They loved it. I mean loved loved it. It was odd, because if I'd seen it with Jill, she would have come out groaning about it, agreeing with me that the gymnastics was good and such, but picking apart the story, and we'd discuss it some, and I'd defend it because I liked the gynmastics. With these people, they loved it, so I was the one kind of pointing out it's failing points, but I felt wierd about doing that, so I dropped it pretty quickly. It was very wierd being on the other side of the table kind of. And seeing a movie with people I didn't feel that comfortable with disagreeing with. That was one of the most awkward sentences I've ever typed. Oh well. Anyway. Akeelah was good. Just all around a good movie. I knew probably 3/4 of the words they had to spell, and could spell about half of them. Maybe I'm being optimistic there. But I thought that it was good and real and it has a bit of a twist at the end. Both movies made me pretty tense, Akeelah with the suspense of waiting for the word to be finished correctly, Stick It with involuntarily flexing muscles with them. And in other news, Crepes a CoCo on Lakeshore Avenue is really good. I kind of like getting ratatouille with my omelette, rather than home fries.
So I think I have today off. I forgot to ask Fred what this week's schedule was, but looking at the schedule he sent me a few weeks ago, I have today and tomorrow off. Good deal. I have no idea what to do today. There are all the immigration marches that I kind of want to check out. I was going to go get film developed and buy more yarn, but in solidarity with the marches, you're not supposed to buy anything today. I kind of understand the point of this, show support for everyone who walked off their jobs, show that the economy falters without them, but at the same time, it feels a little futile, maybe even empty. But whatever, I'm going to respect it. So instead, what will I do? Besides cleaning my room and doing laundry and going to watch the warch and reading and starting homework for the classes I'm taking. On second thought. There we go. I have a full day. I had no idea. Just fill it with all kind of things that I don't really want to do, but should. Unless I get a phone calling asking why I'm not at work.
Driving Connor to school today we were running late, and we raced an Amtrak train. We totally kicked it's ass. Go us.
8:55 a.m.
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