kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Singing this song for you

Oh my. It was been quite a day. First- Things I Have Noticed Recently.
1. There is a billboard on my way to picking Connor up that says "6-6-06 The signs are all around you". For some reason this sign amuses me. Really? What signs? I had no idea. Signs of what? I have no idea what will happen June 6th. But boy I can't wait to find out. I'll be a hippy circus camp, though, so I imagine whatever it is it will have to do with stilts. Or something.
2. The word 'medium'. So versatile. I mean really, think about it. Medium. Middle-ish. Sometimes a symonym for average. But wait! Also, material, as in paint being a medium. In plural, it becomes 'media', like tv and radio, no? Mediums are also psychics. So a medium, in all these cases, is an intermediary of some sort. Like the media (like radios) are a link of mass communication, the middle ground between them saying it and us receiving it. Psychic mediums serve the same purpose. The take that a step further, the paint etc is/are means of expression, right? So while being a totally different form than the tv and the person, it serves that same function, you could say. And all of those are middle-ish. These are the things I think about in the shower.
3.The roses outside my house are huge. Like 6 inch diameter huge.
4. Is there a 4? I don't know. I'll come back to it if I think of it.

So today was our big crazy fundraiser shindig. Pretty cool. I got to work at 9 30 am, and I got home at 2 am. Actually, despite starting out about an hour before schedule, we seemed to be ahead of schedule all day. We threw everything up (Christine and I were mad crazy fast, we did awesome with all of our stuff. When we work well together, we work really well together. When we don't, I just end up feeling really awkward and incompetent) and then changed into the fancy, which for me was a strapless black dress and heels. Snagged some wine, and hung out watchign the rich people look at the silent auction things. I was running followspot, but found out right before we started that I had nothing to do. At all. The main guy who would be tlaking hates having a spotlight on him, and if you don't spot him, why spot any of the minor talking people? So I just hung out and drank wine and had a raspberry martini paid for by work (speaking of which, I used to really like stoli vodka, I think I'm over that now. I think I really don't like it. Hangar One needs to get more popular and in use so I can drink that instead) and turned on the spot for the musician dude. Some one told me that I looked hot standing up on my pedestal with the spotlight. Go me. That was the second high point of the night, the first being when Les told a room of 200 of the richest people in the Bay Area to "be decent and shut the hell up" in his lovely english accent. So since I really had nothing to do, and didn't feel right about that, and when the live auction started you couldn't see the guy really because he moved around out of the podium lights we had up, I checked with some one and we decided to spot him a touch unless he aske dto have it out. So I put the spot on him a little, way dim, and after a few seconds he asked that it be turned off. Which I did. And then sat down on my platform. At which point some self important asshole decided to come up and tell me that you couldn't have a spotlight on the auctioneer because then the couldn't see. I was so fucking offended that I was being scolded by this guy. I politely told him that I knew that, and that I had turned it off, I had just wanted to bring attention to him at the beginning as he was hard to see, and people were talking a lot. But seriously. What was this guys deal? I have only been that offended once before in my life. I suppose it's not that big a deal, it just bugs me that once something has been corrected, people who don't know about what I'm doing choose to tell me why I was wrong. Anyway. That was the only damper on the night. At this thing they get well known gourmet chefs to prepare a 7 course dinner, and there wer left over deserts. The vanilla bean chevre cheesecake in a rhubarb soup was the best thing ever. I wanted to take a bath in it. The desert wine was awesome too. I took home a bottle and a half. It was over at about 11, we ripped it all down, loaded the truck with minor frustration with people who don't know how to stike standing around wanting to be useful but really just being in the way, and then we left at 1 30 am. 16 hours start to finish. And I have to go back at 1 tomorrow (today) to sort out the rental stuff. Oh well. Means that since it's 2 30 now, I should go to bed. And I will. Right now.

2:01 a.m.
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