kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Billy Jean is MIA

I have today off. Which means I get to do fabulous day off things, starting with sleeping really late (though interuptedly) and finishing up with grocery shopping and laundry. I drove Connor to school today (hence the 'interuptedly'). We had a good time. There's a point at which I always get a little lost and miss the turn, and today it was better than usual. Meaning I missed the turn, took the next, it was a dead end, I did a uturn, then changed my mind, and went a third direction through the land of forklifts, and ended up somewhere manageable. I think he was entertained. The first day I drove him I was covering for Margo, so I picked him up after school, and told him he was dj. He thought this was great and quickly found a rap station, commenting that if his friends dad were driving, the windows would be down and the music would be really really loud. Then I hear "can we do that?" oh, what the hell, why not. And so the little white redhaired boy and the slightly older redhaired girl in their borrowed pr1us rolled down San Pablo ave busting out the bass. I was very amused. I asked his what his favorite music was and he said rap. "and some country". HA! This kid is me. When I was his age I trained myself to like rap and country at the same time. It was great. I want to make him a cd of good hip hop, Roots and Mos Def and the Fugees and Wild Orchid and Spearhead and Ozomatli. Get him off the kraft and onto the Tillamook, so to speak. So anyway, I drove him and came back home, and went back to sleep. That was a long pointless story.
Whatever. A trip to Trader Joes will solve it all. Maybe I'll even come back with something interesting to talk about. Speaking of which! At the high school dance thing on saturday, I saw my old trapeze partner. I need to find time to do trapeze again.
12:58 p.m.
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