kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

This is, this is your world

Three days. I find out sometime tomorrow if I got the apartment. There is no reason for me not too, so I'm pretty cat-and-canary about that. It's a great two bedroom sublet in East Williamsburg, 4 blocks from a subway stop. It's fully furnished, and the (oh-so-sweetly low) rent included heat, water, and wireless internet. It's on the 4th floor of a walkup, which is fine. I talked to the girl today (ummm. Yesterday, I am just still awake) and she was pretty cool. There was one other person who was interested, but they can't move in till february, so ha! It will be ours. I think. I mean, who knows until she calls and says officially, but she said nothing in talking today that gave any hint otherwise.
So-the road trip. Jill and I are madly preparing, we're going to go buy stuff for it on thursday. I haven't really started anything. I have my art supplies and books/movies/records and one bag of clothing packed. I have another two bags of clothes, I have to do laundry, I have all my kitchen stuff, and some odds and ends. Tomorrow night will be for all that. Tonight I'm finishing importing all kinds of stuff onto my ipod for the trip. Which means I put on a bunch of Jill's music, a lot of which is awesome, and a lot of which is country. Bleh. Oh well, I'll delete it all when I get to New York. We're going as far south as we are because she thinks I'll love New Orleans. Sure, why not. It takes us a dayish out of our way, and we've got the time. We'll stay with her friend in Houston, and another friend in New Orleans, we'll go to some bars, we'll get some sleep, we'll go to some restaurant that jill remembers fondly, and then we'll continue on our merry way. When else am I going to be 22 and free and driving cross country? I figure I should take advantage of it. Though if I were really taking advantage, and Jill didn't need to get home, we'd go up and down and hit as many states as possible. And sleep more regularly. We were talking about getting road trip games, trivia and stuff, and I said "Man, it's really too bad that one of us always has to be driving or we could get the little travel boggle and scrabble sets" Yes. Too bad this road trip is all driving, dang. So we have music, and games, I'm bringing books and knitting, we'll have aranges and bread and water and caffeine. Awesome.
So the presentation that Vanessa and I pulled out of our asses for the other day- we got the evaluation sheet back. Everyone in class, including us, filled out this little sheet rating stuff like how well did we know our subject matter, use of visual aids, presentation style (mubling, saying um), did we engage significant ideas, was there enough information, blah blah. There's a total of 20 possible points. So we get the evaluation summary, and for 16 sheets turned in, we got 318 points. That means that except for me, everyone else in the whole class gave us 20's. I gave 18, because I thought that given the criteria, that's how we did. If it was graded on a curve, then hell yes, we had by far and away the best presesntation. But it wasn't. But apparently everyone else thought it was fantastic. I looked at it for a second, turned to Vanessa and said "They're all idiots". She convulsed with laughter, but I was serious. Whatever. Who am I to argue with a good grade.
Okay, I have a long day tomorrow, filled with section work and some drafting, and some laundry and some packing, and Jill and I were stupid and said sure, we'll all go get burgers at the Deluxe, as Anne-Marie and I are leaving and it's five dollar burger night. So that will eat up about 3 hours. Oh well. I also need to bake. And work on my portfolio. I need to get to sleep.
1:48 a.m.
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