kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

WHere the winds get heavy on the borderline

So I saw Gatsby with Chris tonight. It was okay. I think I agree with Dante, that the script was not as good as it could have been. But there were definitely good moments. And most of the actors were excellent. The guy playing Tom Buchanan had kind of a weird accent thing going on, but everyone else was good. And I liked Jordan's character a lot more than when I read it. The guy who played Gatsby was pretty awesome, and incidentally, used to be in Cirque. He got to do a little bit of that, particularly in one bit where he tipped a ladder all the way over. But very slowly, and controlled. The moment was in slow motion, so he had to fall that way. I didn't know it was him at the time, though, Chris told me afterwards. I wish I had known; I would have watched it more carefully.
When we got out of the theatre, it was snowing. Big, huge, fluffy soft flakes. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. We walked through Seattle Center, and then through downtown. Jill walked down to meet us, but right when she got there, it turned into freezing rain. Which had been predicted, but they said it wouldn't happen till midnight. I'm dissapointed. Downtown was nearly snow-free by the time we left, but by our house (all of 6 or 8 blocks away) there was still an inch of snow. I'm hoping it goes back to being cold and snows some more.
On the one hand, I love that it's snowing. It's fantastic, and new, and pretty and kind of amazing. But on the other, I'm having a hard enough time focussing on school and finishing. This is so surreal, and that feeling is kind of extending to everything. I don't know. Anyway. Going to bed now.
11:28 p.m.
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