kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

And the dust of rumors covers me

So I found out my credit score by accident today (no, really, I didn't mean to. I just stumbled upon it). It's good! I have good credit! I have beaten the system! Me, who overdrafts a mildly indecent number of times! Who maxed out a credit card, and then just ignored it for almost another year! And yet, I am solidly in the 'good' range. I am not quite 'very good' but I'm far and away from 'bad risk, do not trust ever'. I think paying off the credit card all at once helped. I was starting to worry about being able to get an apartment in New York, since I'll be using my credit to do that. But I think I'm going to be just fine. I'm not that great with money. When I have it, I tend to spend it. Like the Bob Dylan song says-
Oh all the money that in my whole life I did spend,
Be it mine right or wrongfully,
I let it slip gladly past the hands of my friends
To tie up the time most forcefully.

I'm going to start being more careful about this, though. Although I want to facilitate having a good time, it is not really my job. And I know this.
Anyway. The bad side or the day was no bonfire. Apparently they take out the fire pits at Alki, or something. And apparently, I am the only one with a moral compass loose enough to say "fuck it, let's dig a pit and build a fire anyway. If they tell us to put it out, we will." Whatever. So we ended up (surprise surprise) at Holly and Jason's. I only agreed to this because there were going to be a decent number of people there. We hung out and talked and half watched movies. When we got there, The Notorious Bettie Page was on, which I need to ask Jason to make a copy of for me, it's all 40's style. And then we watched Anchorman, which was stupid. I guess it was better than I thought it would be, but it was stupid. I'm glad I wasn't paying full attention to it. And then some one put in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, which I realized i had seen most of. I though I'd only seen part of it, or just the end, or something. But it turns out, I saw all but the first 5 or 10 minutes. I'm turning into a huge fan of watching movies with the subtitles on. It's only bad for movies with dancing or something in them, where you want to concentrate on what they're doing, and not divide your attention. But subtitles mean that I don't get all pissy at people for talking. I have a slight hearing loss that is okay most of the time, but I really can't hear two things at once, and so people talking at all during a movie that I haven't seen before drives me fucking nuts. I hate missing things, and that includes dialogue. But now there are handy dandy words at the bottom of the screen, so people can chatter all they want in the background. Anyway. We left about half an hour into the movie. I tussled briefly with Anne-Marie before we left. No one though that I would win. Which is really annoying, because I could totally kick her ass. I can fight just as dirty as her (she knuckle-punches, and bites, and elbows and head-butts etc) and I outweigh her. It's kind of insulting that people think she would win. So we tussled a little bit (and tussled really is the right word, it fits pretty perfectly) and while she is wirey and tough, I very much dominated her. And she admitted that I was stronger than I look. I don't know why I care so much. I think just because I know something so strongly, and other people don't believe me. Kind of like when I applied for my internship, and none of my teachers thought I'd get it. Same kind of stong internal conviction that has no outsider support.
In other annoying news, I officially have a cold. Breathing had now become something to think about. I hate being stuffed up. I'd rather sneeze a bunch. Or, you know, not be sick at all. Geeze.
12:48 a.m.
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