kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Lenny Bruce is not afraid

An outpouring of love for the world. That's not entirely appropriate. I feel more of a confidence, security, calm, companionability with the world. Particularly Berkeley. I just walked home from the show, feeling bold and powerful and happy. I love this city at night. I love all the stores closed for the night, the people standing around outside the movie theaters and bars. I love turning off the main drag onto dark residential streets and dancing down the sidewalk with "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" on my ipod. Which is really a bad idea. It's 11 at night, and I am walking home alone in a city with headphones on. Many would advise against it, and rightly so. But damn. Little else makes me feel more at home in a place. I feel like I own the city. Like I know it.
I stuck around after the show tonight. I really like watching actors talk. Emily's understudy watched the show tonight, and she sort of dominated the conversation, which was okay, as she had interesting things to say, but her speaking style leaves something to be desired, in my book. Way to be judgmental, me. But it was fun. We talked about dogs, and crazy Mormons and dogs and Rita. She left earlier, singing 'Tonight" dramatically. So while I'm on the subject of Rita�Saturday evening was one of greatness. There was some muttering about art or something before the show, so I cleverly stayed around. I usually don't stay after the show. I kind of feel like an interloper, covering for Zoltan. Not that I'm not welcomed. But they've all been on the show longer and have bonded more. I'm new. And only have one show left. Oh well. Anyway. I stayed. Apparently this artist buy Nikolosi (I've been googling him, and can't really find anything) has made a Warhol-esque painting of this picture. He was presenting her with one, and getting her to sign a few more. Everyone in the cast got one as well. They were actually really cool. Apparently there's a big art auction in New York, headed with the line 'Take Home a Nude'. I foorget what it's for, but they asked a bunch of artists to donate work, and he was doing this one. So they're all sitting around and chatting, Rita is holding court, the artist is being charming and answering questions and asking some. He loved my name, and would occasionally look at me and murmur it thoughtfully, which made me blush terribly to no end. And in the midst of this, he drops the fact that he's a dental surgeon. Crazy! So we start asking him all sorts of dental questions and he's totally enjoying sharing his expertise. Rita asks how he got into doing art, and he says, actualy, he started out on the other side. As a model. For romance novel covers. Holy crap. Hilarious. And upon a closer look, yeah, he does have the hair, and he is pretty handsome. Kind of short, but hey. It was a grand old time. And I once again got the feeling that I was witnessing history. I can't wait to bore my kids with the fascinating stories of my youth. It'll be great.
I have to pack in earnest now. I have exactly one week left. It's going to be very strange.
11:33 p.m.
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