kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

where you lead, I will follow

It fucking rained today. Only for about 5 minutes. But still. What the hell, man?
Most of my day, I hung out with Fred. We talked. He's sad that I'm leaving. Me too. It was a good day. I did no work. Oh well. And then, for the show, I forgot to turn the air conditioner on in the dimmer room. So nothing overheated and shut off, but I freaked out when I remembered in the middle of the second act. Also, I missed two cues. They were little internal ones, but damn. I took them when Cyd gave me the standby for the next one, and she asked me what buttons I was pushing. Panicking and reverting to a liar, I said it was a sticky page I turned. I don't think she bought it. Oh well. She never seemed to like me anyway. Not that there's any excuse for me missing cues, but she gives the standby's way in advance, and half the time I'm worried that I missed a cue because there's so much time in between them, and I get one standy for 5 or 10 cues at a time. So I have some defense. But not much. Anyway. It'll never happen again.
Then walking home, I talked to Paul. I'm not sure how to explain him. I've been friends with him since I was 17 and working for his theatre company, Shakespeare ETC, which stands for Evil Theatre Company. I am his minion, which is how he always addresses me. He is my Dark Lord and Master, which is how he insists I greet him. Anyway. He's 38 now, and highly entertaining. He always has very elaborate theories about things that are laced with anecdotes. He's always been very open talking to me, spilling everything. I don't talk to him very often these days, and actually till a few months ago, hadn't seen him in a year or two. So it was good to catch up and listen to him rant and ramble. But my memory is starting to suck. I used to have near perfect recollection of conversations, and can't do it anymore. I talked to a mutual friend of Paul's a couple weeks ago, and I know she said something amusing and insightful, but I really can't remember the conversation. Meh.
So Fred is going on vacation soon. So friday is my last day with him there. I don't like that. I mean, I'm ready for it to end, ready to move on, but it's all happening too fast. And I'm starting to have serious trouble restraining myself from hurting each person who asks what my plans for next year are. I am so sick of repeating it, and hearing their same responses and smiling and nodding. yeah, it is good that I have it all planned out. whatever. I don''t need to talk about it twice a day.
The smootie man told me that I always look like I'm about to say something, tell a story or something, especialy when I smile. I really wish I had started going there earlier this year.
11:36 p.m.
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