kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

There are worse things I could do

I�m a big fan of Thai curry. There�s this place 3 blocks from work that makes really good red pumpkin curry. The best thing ever is to eat most of it, pour the curry sauce (juice? I don�t know. Maybe that�s just curry) into the rice that�s left, and then leave it there for a couple days. I really like that within three blocks of work I have nearly any kind of food I could want. I think the only thing missing is Ethiopian. And really, when you have 3 sushi places, two Mexican, 4 thai, 2 burger, 7 chinese, two breakfast, 3 pizza, 5 sandwich, 3 indian, 1 crepe, 2 gelato and 3 smoothie places, not having that one Ethiopian place is okay.
So I forgot that Sunday was Mother�s Day, and asked my mom to go see a show with me that afternoon. How very accidentally thoughtful. I�m not sure if I should feel bad for forgetting in the first place, or relieved that she doesn�t know I forgot. Whichever. She had already planned something with my dad, so we�re going the night before. One of my old circus buddies is in it. I�m looking forward to it.
Story of Petty Jealousy- Once upon a time, I used to do Spanish web. (that�s not a picture of me, but it gives you an idea. Google it yourself for more information). Anyway, there was this one rope trick that I learned: you turn upside down, hook one leg, wrap the rope around your middle three times (or more), unhook your leg, and roll down in a straddle position, hooking your leg on again to stop. It�s called an open drop, Cirque du Soleil does them a lot, only they roll down 8 or ten revolutions, I only did two. Or three, if I failed to rehook my leg. Some reporter came and did an article about the little circus I was in and mentioned me doing that trick, saying �wraps herself up and rolls down the rope like a yoyo. I was very proud of this mention. I was the oldest in the troupe, didn�t have the gymnastics background that a lot of the smaller, younger people did. Which was fine, it just meant I was really proud of him mentioning me, and this trick that I has mastered (after much pain and bruised ribs). So then, a few years later, This girl, Alexis, who�s show I am going to see, had taken over for me on web. I had moved back to trapeze and cloudswing (I can�t find any good pictures of that, use your imagination). She was in the process of learning the open drop, had certainly never performed it, and yet, there in the article, she is quoted as saying that her favorite trick is one where �you wrap the rope around yourself, and roll down like a yoyo. It really hurts, but it looks soo cool. People really like it.� I was really miffed. She stole my line, the only specific line about my skill, and she stole it. She couldn�t even do it at that point. Let alone show it to a general public who would �really like it�. It�s been a while, and I like her, so I�m not grouchy about it anymore. Though I am grouchy that my interview was too long ago to be in online archives, but hers is still there. So anyway, now that I�ve retired from that walk of life, and she is full in it, and doing well, it�ll be nice to see her again. And I do like a good circus performance.
Last night during the tech rehearsal, a bunch of donors came and watched. A bunch sat in the balcony, but there were a lot sitting behind us. I felt like I was in a zoo. Especially since there were two people sitting directly behind me, yet completely separate. Like they wanted to be part of it, right behind the lighting display monitors, watching us, but they had no interest in watching what the computers were doing, or what I was doing (okay, that was good, I was doing nothing). I don�t know, it just seemed very much �the rich visit the workers for the day�. Whatever. Anyway.
I went to the gym last night and this morning. It was okay. I tend to get bored pretty quickly. I end up setting a weight I�m okay with, and doing repetitions till I�m bored. Don�t really do sets, or count how man I do. Just till I get tired or bored. Then I pause, do a few more, and move on. Then I go pretend to do crunches and lie on my back in a semi-dark room for a while. Though last night I actually did do crunches. Only 20 or so of each kind, but I did 7 different kinds. But I discovered a few things! 1- doing elliptical machines with your eye closed is really weird. Kind of like having the spins (hey, anyone else get the spins completely sober? I do, a lot. I think it�s usually when I�m fairly physically tired, but not that mentally tired, and I lie there trying to fall asleep while I�m tilting more and more). 2- going backwards on the elliptical really does work a totally different muscle group! Who knew! It�s pretty fun, too, because you feel less in control of it, more pushed by the momentum. Feels like you�re not working as much.
After the gym this morning, Mimosa and I went and picked up a dresser at ikea and took it to actor housing. This is really Kelli�s job (ie, company management) and not something the lighting and production management interns should be doing. But she whined so much about having to do it, and how hard it would be, and who would help her, and it would be really heavy. She didn�t want to do it this morning, because then she�d have to get up at a decent time, and blah blah blah. Finally when she left the room, her boss asked Mimosa and I if we could do it, and when we stared blankly at him, he offered us 50 bucks. Being the mercenary that I am, I quickly said �each?� and that is how the easiest money ever was made. We went to the as-is part of ikea, so it was already assembled, we didn�t have to do anything other than move it around some. And it was cheaper. Go us. And now Kelli�s whining about feeling guilty because we got stuck doing it. Moral of the story- either suck it up and do your job, or suck it up and accept the consequences of your whining. I have little inward patience with whining. Outwardly, I�ll sit there and listen to you, and smile and nod and make sympathetic noises, but inwardly, my barometer of how much I want to hang out with you, and my respect drop quickly. Which is sad because other than whining about work and talking during tv shows, she�s on my happy list.
Anyway. I overheard some of Glass Menagerie yesterday, hanging out in the lobby after working out. It was a little odd. Because I was so close to it, and spent so much time working with and around it, and now I�ve totally moved on, haven�t thought about it in a while, totally focused on something else. And it�s still going on. Exactly the same, day after day, And I can still say most of the lines with them. It�s weird how far away from it you feel, but how quickly it comes back. And how those two feelings can exist at the same time.