kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

It burned in my hand

Slightly aggitated. I went to a production meeting the other night, for a show that I'm assistant designing. i should be designing it. Not that the designer is incompetent or anything. But he's been banned from the theatre, and so can't be there during tech at all. He's also the production manager, and will be putting some sound stuff together. SO while I understand that he likes the project, and the people working on it, and wants to be involved, he already is. So he should really hand it over to me. So that I can get the full design fee. And can actually design. Whatever.
As always, I need more work. I have some paychecks coming in, but I'm living a little tight right now. Which isn't too hard to do in this house. But I'm getting bored. Restless. Eating too much because I'm home. Going out tends to mean spending money at some point, so staying in is better. Sort of. I think I'm going to look for some stuff today, and I need stuff from the Container Store, I did a preview visit and put together a list that isn't extravagent, and it's all stuff I need. Mostly. I will probably nix the bulletin board.
I cooked a couple nights ago. First time I've ever cooked meat! It was exciting. I made broiled molasses chicken with swiss chard. Except I had to bake it at a really high heat, I can't open my broiler. My mom pointed out to me too late that I could have used the toaster oven. Though that seems a little weird. And it turned out really well anyway. Both Madeline and Sarah Jane approved greatly. John was at work and so missed out. I didn't start making it till kind of late, and I had to go buy stuff for it. I was lucky and the meat store was still open. The woman there was fairly awesome and really nice. So now I want to cook meat more so I can support her store and stuff. Though it's not her store. Still. I kind of like cooking. John has the unfortunate affect of making me not like it. I need specific directions that I can use or chose to ignore. And I need to know what will happen if I change the manner of cooking. His attitude is, it's food, you throw stuff together and heat it and see what happens. Telling me that whatever I do doesn't matter and that I need to just get over it is really unhelpful and I don't think he realizes that. Oh well. Eventually I'll be comfortable enough that advice like that is useful.
I slept in till 11 today. And I'm still tired. Perhaps because of that. Oh well.
11:43 a.m.
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