kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Here we are now

4 days of fashion week down. 5 to go. The schedule is ridiculous. But fine. And we've been doing really well, 2 of the days we left a couple hours early. There are two shows, mark by mark, and then mark jake. Usually, Mark Jake, the big show, is first but for some reason its second this time. And for that show there are 24 followspots. That's a lot. It's kind of absurd. But what the hey. And the best part- Sonic Youth is playing it. Literally. There's going to be a little stage set up in the middle of the runway (which is 50 feet wide) and they're going to play for the 15ish minutes of the show. I'm excited. I like running followspot, but I'm really not the best at it, so it'll be a little stressful.
I finished the time travel book. It was really good, but somehow the ending was dissapointing. Maybe I read it too fast. I do that, as I sense the denoument coming on, I speed up my reading and then sometimes miss an important point. So I should go back and check that. Now I'm on to a book called The Ha-ha, by Dave King. It's good, which I'm glad of, it was a bit of an impulse buy from the marked down rack. It's about a guy who can't talk though, and can't write, from a brain injury. So he's sort of trapped, he can understand perfectly well, but he has to pantomine his responses, which gets tiring. I tend to pick up the sense of whatever I'm reading, think in the tone it's written, or with the attitude of the main character, so with this I'm left with feeling like I can't talk. It's strong enough that yesterday on the subway someone asked me directions, and I answered, which required some explaining, and then was still left with the feeling, even though I'd just spoken. It's interesting. And the book itself is really good.
I got a pipe dropped on my head today, not a big one, just aluminum, so it's fine. But my neck muscles tensed up in response, and they haven't calmed down yet. And I have to be in at 7 am tomorrow. Sleep soon. A truck was supposed to come today, but it didn't get there till half an hour before we left, so we had nothing to do for 4 and a half hours. Which was kind of fun, we sat around and played cards, I read and tried to nap a little. I ate too much candy. Someone brought us a bunch of chocolate and stuff, and I was hungry. So now I think I'm hungry, but I also feel sort of full and candy-sick. Oog.
It was snowing this morning, which was really nice to wake up to. It was all wet, though, and none of it stuck. But it was so pretty to walk out into, and it stuck to my hair and coat. It was a good walk to the train.
I have to decide if I want food, and then I have to sleep. I'm so tired that it's hard to fall asleep. Though at least tonight I don't have a headache (ironically enough, from being so tired) so tonight I should be able to fall asleep fairly quickly.
8:17 p.m.
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