kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

maybe not the best idea

DC was fine. Whatever. I hungout with friends, and that was the point. We also watched 5 movies. 3 of which I have already seen. But we had fun, and it was entertaining. Except for the part where they stood in best buy playing mario bros on a wii. What's the point of that? I was bored out of my skull and went and looked at refridgerators. Other than that, good times. Too short to really be worth the drive, though.
While I was there, Ian called me to tell me that a job that he had offered me before, but I hadn't taken because I couldn't get there on time the first day, was mine if I wanted it. So I took it. I need the work. But maybe it was a bad move. Because the load in is tomorrow. At 10, and I can't get there till probably noon. We have to be done by 7, and then focus is saturday. I had to put together a cable order for this show on the second evening in dc, and I didn't have internet access to do it with, so I couldn't look up manuals for some of the automated stuff, and there's so many factors that I didn't know that I was just guessing at randomly. Ian will be there to help, but I feel pretty overwhelmed. Under 48 hours notice to prepare for a show. And the cable order had to be in this morning, as they loaded the truck this afternoon. I'm in over my head, and I can only hope that my crew (that Ian assembled for me) doesn't catch on to that too much. I'm scared. I don't know everything I need to in order to do this. I'm not good at being the lead on something. I'm good at assisting. Also, I'm tired. And I have to get up earlyish. Bet hey! Work! And it has the potential for more work!
10:14 p.m.
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