kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

Why are you passing me by

So I woke up the morning of the 10th sick. I am still sick. Far better, but still congested, blowing my nose, and still with the coughing. Various people (mother who had the same thing, med students) all agree that it is some form of asthma. My mom thinks it'll go away once I'm not congested anymore. John didn't believe me until last night, and this morning reported to me that I had an asthma attack in my sleep. This is equal parts alarming and fascinating. I didn't know that was possible. But this sucks. I'm going to take claritin tomorrow and hope that works. I don't like not being able to creaths, and having to cough in order to breathe.
I had 'breakfast' with Zina today. It was good. I am very tired now. I had more to say, but I'm pretty sure it was all inconsequential babbling about moving.
10:49 p.m.
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