kicking ass, maybe taking names for later

You don't have to wear that dress tonight

My apartment is nice and warm. This is good, because it is fucking freezing outside. Seriously. It's been around 30-35 degrees all day. Compared to (big what-the-fuck moment coming) 67 in New York. It snowed. Here. On and off all yesterday, and then this evening. It's snowing. I am living somewhere where it snows. This is shocking to me. I mean, I know that it snows in New York, and I am moving there in the middle of the snowy time, but that I am prepared for. This snow caught me off guard a little. But I love it. I've discovered that when I'm not expected to slide down it, when I can just walk r drive around in it, I love snow. It's pretty, and brittle and cold, and crisp. It's definite, it's not wishy washy weather. Although tonight it was just freezing cold, with no snow, and I think that's kind of silly. If it's going to be that cold, it might as well snow. I'm hoping that it starts up snowing again in the night, and school is cancelled tomorrow. It's supposed to, the news said that we're supposed to get another three inches by morning. But as of 10:20 tonight, it wasn't really looking like it was going to. Oh well. Maybe the roads will freeze and it will be all icy and everything will shut down that way.
Today was kind of odd. But good. Yes. Sunday I hung out a bunch, watched some movies with Jill. Dante called and wanted us to come over for turkey soup. It was pretty bad turkey soup. But I get the feeling that she's kind of lonely and desperate for company, so it was a nice thing to do. And we were only there for an hour or so. Also, she got me comp tickets to see Gatsby on wednesday (though it might be thursday, long story), which is going to be weird. Going from angry powerful beautiful work like Passing Strange to stiff upper crust white land. Anyway, after Dante's we went to Fred Meyer and I got some gloves. They're good, comforable and pretty warm. I tested them out today, and the fingertips still get cold, but I've never really had a pair of gloves that didn't, so I figure you just keep your hand in your pockets most of the time, and it's fine. Anyway, I was talking about today. I slept in, hauled myself up, Threw on clothes and my coat, and went to school. And apparently my class was cancelled. I'm a little confused. No one was in either classroom, and I waited for ten minutes. Oh well. I screwed around in the scene shop office and then went with Jill to get stuff from Vanessa's mom (who's moving to DC, so she's getting rid of a bunch of stuff). This is the point where all the whining I did the whole day about it not snowing paid off. It snowed. A lot. I tried to take pictures of it with my phone, but phone camera's just don't do well with that sort of thing. But- Vanessa's mom was getting rid of a big box of records, like 40 albums or something, and so now I have a ton of Beatles, and some Rolling Stones, and The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, which I've been wanting for a while. And I only flipped through the first ten or so, so who knows what else is in there. And I have a lead on a free record player, so this is going good.
In the afternoon, Anne-Marie called me to see if I wanted to go to a play with her tonight. Sure, why not? I'm so glad that I did. It was at WET- Washington Ensemble Theater, and it was pretty great. There were only 5 of us in the audience, but they had all the energy. It was a good show. At base, it's about these two guys and how their lives have gone; they grew up together, and know everything about each other, but were affected differently by this one event one summer, and that reaction kind of defined them, but you don't see the difference at first. You can't tell how far they've grown apart. But it's done in this great form, with all kind of , damn I don't really have the words for it at the moment. But it was very well done, and they were very good looking. I am a sucker for good looking guys in suits.
Anyway. We walked back, got pita's, and went to QFC. I think living with Anne-Marie is going to be just fine. I think she's right, we do make a good team. She's going to be in charge of grocery shopping. She's much better at being frugal than I am. I got granola and some satsuma oranges, I've already eaten four of them. Granted, they tend to go quickly, so I need to finish the box within about 4 days.
I really hope it snows all night. And since I have no pictures of the snow, I will leave you with this picture of a guy with a trombone on the back of his bike. I took this with my phone just as the light turned green. I'm impressed with how well it turned out.

Oh, also, *personally directed note here, apologies to other readers* Percy, if you ever hack/obtain the password to my diary ever again I will post here your full name and every single website and email address associated with you, along with some choice personal information, that I can think of. I don't understand why you're being snarky and passive aggressive or why you've decided to stir shit up recently, but I'm pretty sick of it. I know I'm not innocent, but I think in this case I wasn't the one to start it. Also, what the hell is wrong with you that you check your ex girlfriend's (my) diary at least three times a day. We've been broken up for over two years. Until you did the facebook thing, I was fine with companionably ignoring you. I think it was working really well for both of us. You are really turning into some one that I don't know, and recent events have caused me to wonder how well I ever did.

10:41 p.m.
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